Chapter 14

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Connie walking along holding both Grace and Jacob's hands as they went back to the car.
"Wait mum look! Can we go in there?" Grace asked as she pointed to the baby store.
"Not today firecracker" Jacob replied quickly.
"Why? It's not like we have anywhere to be. Anyway I asked my mum, not you" She snapped back at him.
"Grace! Don't be so rude!" Connie shouted at her as she turned to face her daughter.
Jacob placed his hand on her shoulder which seemed to calm her down, "it's ok babe, let's just go home" he said.
"But I want to go in there! I know you don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet but we can atleast have a look, and we can buy things of neutral colours" Grace said before running off into the shop before either of them had the chance to stop her.

Connie sighed and followed her into the shop with Jacob close behind her.
"Grace please can we just go home?" Connie asked.
"In a minute, but mum look at this! Can we get it? Please!" Grace begged as she held up a white baby grow with 'I love my sister' written on it in yellow.
"Please, mum it's adorable and a boy or girl could wear it" she added.
Connie sighed and looked at Jacob who nodded weakly, he wasn't going to object to Connie's decision about telling Grace and didn't want to upset Grace either.
"Fine we can get it, but nothing else today" Connie said.
"Thanks mum!" Grace said with a grin.
Jacob pulled a twenty pound note out of his pocket and handed it to Grace, "me and your mum will wait for you in the car ok?" he said.
"Ok, thanks Jacob, and sorry about before" she said before running off to the till.

Jacob wrapped his arms arod Connie's waist as they walked back to the car.
"I know you don't agree with what I'm doing, but thank you" she said.
He smiled and kissed the top of her head, "I'll support you in whatever decisions you make baby" he told her.
Connie nodded then got into the car as they arrived, then Jacob got into the drivers seat.
He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer, "i love you" he said.
"I love you too muscles" Connie replied.
Jacob lent down and pressed his lips to hers then Connie began to kiss him back, sliding her tounge into his mouth and wrapping her arms around his neck.
He moaned into the kiss and moved his arms, sliding his hand up her shirt to squeeze her breasts causing her to moan too.

Grace arrived ten minutes later, she had taken her time walking back and stopped looking through shop windows.
Connie and Jacob were still kissing each other like their lives depended on it, so Grace simply got in the back and coughed alerting them.
"Here's your change Jacob" she said as she held the money out in her hand.
They separated and looked back at Grace, both of them blushing slightly, "keep it, get yourself some sweets or something" Jacob said.
"Thanks Jacob" grace said with a smile as she pocketed the money.
He drove them home then they all got out and went inside, "I'm going to lie down" Connie said.
"Ok, can I go round to Ellie's please mum?" Grace asked.
"Course sweetheart, be back for tea please" she said replied.
"Will do, bye" Grace said before walking out.

Connie took the bag with the baby grow in up to her room with Jacob following close behind her.
"Need a cuddle?" he asked.
She nodded and climbed into bed, "what if i don't get pregnant? What happens then? She's going to hate me" she asked.
"We'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it baby, but for now we just have to remain positive and try our hardest, no pun intended" Jacob said causing Connie to smirk.
He wrapped his arms around her then she rested her head on his chest as they snuggled up, "I'm glad she knows about us now. That sneaking around was fun but it's better this way, we get more time together" Connie said.
"Yeah, I'm glad too" Jacob replied.

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