Chapter 12

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Connie had ended her call to Jacob, then ignored all texts and calls he sent to her.
Zoe had stayed at Connie's as she realised Connie was in no fit state to look after herself, let alone Grace, not that she thought Grace deserved her mothers attention.
She had stomped off to her room, clearly still furious that Connie had lied to her, and didn't seem to care about the pain she was causing her mother.
Connie was lying curled up on her bed sobbing as Zoe sat next to her trying to comfort her, and unbeknown to Connie, texting Jacob.
Jacob had been unsure weather to go round as although he had an idea that Connie had ended things because of Grace finding, he couldn't be certain and didn't want to go round and risk her finding out if that hadn't been the case. That was until he got a text from Zoe explaining everything.

He was there ten minutes later, running up the stairs and flying into Connie's bedroom causing her to sit up in shock, "Jacob, you can't be here" she told him.
"I don't care Connie, look at what she's done to you! She's tearing you apart because she isn't getting her own way. Sweetcheeks you're her mother and what you say goes, if you want me then I'm here, if you want me to stand by you then I will. Connie just think about it, she can't go back to Sam without your say so and as high and mighty as he may think he is from what I can tell, when it comes to Grace he's actually pretty reasonable.
If this was him and Emma, and Grace had told him he had to leave Emma but he could barely cope without her do you think he would give up on her? Grace chose you, and yeah she's making threats now but in the long run do you think she's going to stick to them?" Jacob said

Connie looked at him and threw her arms around him, not saying a word as she cried into his shoulder.
"What is he doing here?!" Grace screamed as she walked in.
"Out. Now" Zoe said sternly.
"What?!" Grace said.
Connie pulled away from Jacob and looked at Grace, "I'm not letting you do this Grace, is this some kind of game to you? Make me choose and everything will be ok? Because it won't be, I'll resent you because you made me give up on him! Jacob is the best thing to happen to me in years and I don't know where I'd be without him, oh no scratch that, I'd be dead without him Grace! Literally! Now I will ring your dad if it's what you really want but don't expect him to take your side because you're fucking out of line! she screamed.

"So you're choosing your boyfriend over your daughter and now you're swearing at me?! Why don't you love me mum?!" Grace asked.
"I do love you but I love Jacob too! He's not just my boyfriend Grace, he's my fiancé" Connie told her.
"You're engaged?" Grace said in shock, as Connie took the ring box from her bedside table.
"Jacob asked me to marry him last night and I said yes, because I love him" she replied.
Grace looked down, another fear that she had not admitted her mother slowly disappearing to be replaced with guilt, "I'm sorry" she said weakly.
"You're sorry? I don't understand, has us being engaged changed everything for you?" Connie asked.

Grace nodded slightly and looked up at Connie and Jacob, "promise you won't hate me mum?" she said.
"I promise, I might get mad but I could never hate you"' Connie said.
Grace took a deep breath, "you ruin everything mum, it sounds horrible but you do, so I thought Jacob was just a fling which is why you hadn't told me. I really liked him and I hated the thought of getting used to having him around and seeing him as dad to me because I thought you'd ruin it all. And that's why I thought you'd put him before me whilst it lasted then you'd be so annoyed with yourself than you ruined it so would throw all your energy in to work instead of looking after me. You've never really had a proper relationship so I expected this to be the same but now I realise it isn't, because for you to agree to marry him you really must love him and he really must love you" she explained.

"Wow, Grace I had no idea you felt like that but I promise you, me and Jacob are for keeps sweetheart" Connie said as she squeezed Jacob's hand.
"Can I be your bridesmaid then?" Grace asked.
"You mean you're happy about me and Jacob now?" Connie replied.
"Yes, and I'm really sorry for what I did and how I treated you Jacob" she said.
"It's alright firecracker" Jacob told her.
Connie slipped her engagement ring onto her finger then wrapped her arms around both Jacob and Grace before mouthing a thank you to Zoe who nodded a walked out.
"Mum?" Grace said.
"Yes?" Connie replied.

"I found something else, in your bathroom, but I didn't really know what to say. I suppose I was kind of happy and just assumed it happened before I told you to leave Jacob so I couldn't get mad at you. But at the same time I didn't want to ask about it because I didn't know if you wanted to have it on your own, but now you have Jacob and I know you wouldn't be on your own. So when's the baby coming?" Grace asked

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