Chapter #1: Mr. Heartbreaker With Good Looks and A Drink I Wish I Never Took

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Sapphire's POV.

(Sapphire's hair up there or on side)

Hi I am Sapphire Brooks and I am 16 years old and I have ombre hair and black rimmed glasses, ocean blue eyes, and I have been singing since I was 5 years old. Music is like my get away from my anger or stress and I just adore singing and I love to write my own songs. Well you see I'm not really that interesting. I am FULL of sarcasm and anything I say either comes out sarcastic orrrrrr nothing at all. The only person I talk to is Elliot, my best friend. I could be a nice person but if you piss me off, shit goes down. Elliot has always been by my side to help me with my abusive step father and step mother AND my brother. I work at a little restaurant down the street where we use roller skates to serve food. FUCKING ROLLER SKATES if they catch you not wearing your roller skates then you will definitely get fired. But its just for now. I mean I always slip and fall BUT it is worth if I want to move out of that crappy house with my freaking abusive parents who don't even check on me or even say 'how was school honey?' Or 'would you like some breakfast sweetheart?' Nope. Not anymore. It used to be like that but I don't know what happened to them. I don't know what made them hate me so much. One day it all went upside down. And my life doesn't get ANY easier. I always get bullied at school all the time. But I learned to deal with it. I come home with bruises and cuts and they hurt like a bitch... But, no one seems to care.

On to my miserable morning.

My alarm went off and as I tried to snooze it, it fell on the ground making a loud crash noise.

"Quiet Sapphire dammit! You're gonna wake your parents up!" I whispered to myself.

Another thing I do is I talk to myself. It is pretty normal right? I mean everybody has done it once in their life time. Right? I fell off my bed making a loud THUD! noise.

I hope nobody heard that.

I got up and tip toed into the shower carefully turning the knob to the warm water.

Feels good especially on a Monday morning.

I got out the shower and put on a long sleeve black shirt making sure to cover my arms. I put on jeans, and my black checkered Vans. I put a white beanine over my head and I put on my dumb glasses. I grabbed my backpack and opened my door slowly

please don't creak!

Pleaseee don't creak!

And it creaked....

screw it...

I yanked it open and ran outside the front door quickly closing it behind me. I ran till my house was out of sight. My phone buzzed. I stopped sprinting and whipped out my phone to see who messaged me.

Elliot ;): where tf are you!?

Me: I'm coming!!

I put my phone away and soon enough my school was just across the street. I jogged up to the double green doors of terror and I entered my high school.

"Wegner High School"

Was written in big letters.

As I walked in everybody stops and stares at me. I get anxiety and I hate being the center of attention. I put my head down to avoid any eye contact with anyone.

Head down. Don't look. Head down. Don't look. Head down. Don't lo-

I bumped into a person and decided not to look up. But my mind was saying...

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