#14: Why Must Horrible Things Happen To The Best People?

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Chapter #14: Why Must Horrible Things Happen To The Best People?

Song theme: None...

Sapphire's POV.

Adam threw me into a cage with all of his force and locked it with a silver key.

I'm hungry, angry, and tired.

I knew my senses were right.

I'm like a genie.

All I need is a lamp to fit in.

Click, Clack, Click, Clack, Click

I heard footsteps coming my direction. I looked up from the bars and wasn't really surprised on what I see.

"Enjoying your stay?" She smirked.

"Yeah. You know I love the scenery. Ah, and the smell is...terrific." I answered sarcastically.

"I know right. How's your little cut." She said with sass.

"It's all better. Alexa. It's all better." I replied.

"Hm. Didn't know you'd make it out of the hospital because of how weak and pathetic you are." She tilted her head and gave me an evil smile.

"Hm? I wonder how many guys you fucked." I gave her a fake smile.

"You don't know what you are getting yourself into." She growled at me like a wolf or something. Is she a werewolf like Justin?

You have to be the dumbest person alive! If she is Justin's sister of course she is a werewolf!

Oops. I may be the dumbest person alive.

Well I might be dead by the time I get out of here.

"Whatever. I'm just waiting to get out of here." I banged my head against the bars.

She didn't say a word. She just walked away.

I used my mind link to communicate with Justin. Hoping he would reply.


I closed my eyes.


'You replied!'

'Of course I replied. Why wouldn't I?'

'I was checking if you were alright.'

'Yeah I'm alright.'

'Are you with Elliot, or any of the others?'

'Yeah I'm next to Connor and Jackson. But no Max, Elliot, or Jake.'

'I'm going to check if I am next to any of them.'


I looked to my left, and I saw Jake and Elliot. I sighed in relief.

I looked to my right, and it was Connor and Jackson.

'I have Jake and Elliot, but no Max.'

'That's strange where do you think they put him?'

'I have no idea but I hope he is okay.'

'Yeah. Me too'

'I told you something was bad going to happen you didn't listen.'

'I thought you were trying to scare me.'

'Well did this scare you enough?!'

'I have a plan.'

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