Chapter #5: Grocery Shop Trip Gone Wrong

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Chapter #5: Grocery Shop Trip Gone Wrong

Sapphire's POV.

Is it possible for men to eat 6 raw steaks a day? Because if not then these boys need to go to a hospital ASAP. I opened the fridge to see if their is anything else I can eat instead of steak but, lucky me there is only expired milk and a half eaten squirrel in the fridge! Yeah they don't really have nothing in the fridge. And who eats squirrel?! I'm so fucking confused.

"Do you guys even go grocery shopping?" I closed the fridge in disgust. I gagged.

"Nope." Jake answered taking another huge bite of his steak.

"Well I'm going to go grocery shopping. It's 9:37 pm. I'll be back in no later then 10 minutes."

"Please be safe okay?" Justin said to me rubbing my shoulder. I smiled.

"Do you wanna take the car?" He offered me the car keys.

"No thank you. I'll just walk. I want to have some fresh air anyway."

"Okay Sapph. If anything happens just talk to me through your mind thingie." I laughed.

"Sapph. I'm serious please be careful." He put his hand on my shoulder again. It was there for a good 10 seconds. I backed away.

"Uh- yeah don't worry I'm going to be A-okay! Heheh! Bye!" I waved and slammed the door. I walked down the street seeing all the beautiful lights and signs and people passing by. And then I saw the sign 'Grocery Mart' and walked towards the store and went into the store.

"Welcome to Grocery Mart." The old man sighed with his feet up on his desk while reading a newspaper.

He seems happy with his job.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cart. And pushed the cart down the aisles. I grabbed some cereal, milk, cheese, and some junk food. As I was walking down the aisle I saw a couple walk inside the store. A bell signaling someone entered the store.

"Have you seen a little girl who has blue eyes, ombre hair, about this tall." The mother said as she showed the man the height using her hands. And I looked at myself on the glass of the fridge. They were describing me and noticed that it's my step parents. And that they're looking for me.

How did they find me!?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and just minded my own business.  Hopefully the old man doesn't rat me out.

"Uh actually yes she is overrrr there." The man was trying to look for me. I slowly moved my cart to the side and I ran to the nearest bathroom and I sat down on the ground, locking the door behind me.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought I saw her a minute ago." He said.


My parents looked sad and disappointed.

Cough. Cough. Liars. Cough.

I panicked and I tried to contact Justin from my mind thingie.





'Justin my parents found me. I- I'm in the bathroom and-and Justin help me I'm scared- please come get me. Justi-'

Then someone burst the door open and it revealed my parents.

"You're coming with us young lady." My dad yanked me by my hair covering my mouth.


yelled hoping he would hear me.

"MOVE!" My mom took out a knife and pointed to everyone at the Mart. Then my dad took out something then it flashed in my eyes making me lose conscious.

And this was the Grocery Trip Gone Wrong.

Woah hi there! I bet you're mad I haven't updated in a while....heheh well I am OFFICIALLY BACK! I WILL BE UPDATING MORE AND MORE!! Also this chapter is crappy. 😓 Enjoy!!!

Bai brossssss


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