Chapter #12: Elliot Is Back

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Song Theme: Halo: Beyoncé

Chapter #12: Elliot Is Back

Justin's POV•

6:46 am

That's the time right now and I am picking up Elliot for Sapphire. I mean she is in a house full of boys. She needs her best friend with her. She can get lonely when we have missions and business to take of and she must be bored too. I want this to be a surprise. I want her to be happy. And as her mate I will do anything to make her happy.

I got in my car and drove off to pick up Elliot.

Sapphire's POV°

I woke up and heard the front door close.

Who can be going out at this time?

There's creepy stalkers out there! Who would want to go out in the dark!

6:46 a.m.

But who would go out at this time it's wayyy too early.

I picked my lazy bum out of the bed and lazily opened my bedroom door. I carefully took one step and it made a loud creeeekkkkk noise. I hesitated and all the lights went on.





They all said one after the other.

"You got to be kidding me." I made an annoyed face.

"One step and you're all up!" I said unbelievably.

"Well we are not heavy sleepers." Max said.

I counted only 4 of them. That means the only one missing is... Justin.

"Then how come you didn't hear Justin leave?" I asked.

"Justin left?" They all said.

"Yep. Heavy sleepers alright." I muttered under my breath.

"Well I'm gong back to sleep. It's wayyy to early for me, I need my beauty sleep. Bye." I walked back up the stairs.

Next Morning•••


I got awakened from my beauty sleep! Whoever the victim is.. is going to be like my fries. I like my fries...crispy.

You know what that was a sucky threat but whatever.

"Guess who's back bitches?" Someone whispered in my ear. Wait? That sounds like...

"ELLIOT!" I hugged her as tight as I can with my noodle arms.

She laughed.

"You're back! But how!? That's not the point. I missed you." I felt a hot tear slide down my cheek.

"Oh stop. You know if you cry, I cry." Her voice cracked.

"Who brought you here?" I asked. Because I want to know. And I'm nosey as can be.

"You're hot, amazing, sweet, attractive mate brought me here." She winked at me.

"Hey. He's mine, find your own." I pointed a finger at her.

"I know but." She came closer and whispered in my ear.

"He's hot." She smiled. Classic Elliot.

"Well, shall we go downstairs for breakfast?" She asked in a British accent.

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