Chapter #10: Um? You have a sister?

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I thought this was a cute picture 😄. Hope you like this chapter! 🤗😋 Also what's your favorite Holiday? 🤔 Unedited!!!!

Chapter #10: Um? You have a sister?

Sapphire's POV.

Justin still hasn't explained to me what a 'mate' means so it's time for precautionary measures...

I'm looking it up.

I grabbed a laptop placed on top of the shelf.

When did that get there?

Anyways I opened the laptop up and typed...

What is a mate?

(Animals or birds) who come together for breeding.

Wait hold up


I have to-

Oh no. No. No. Nope. Nope. NOPE.

I repeated in my head as I went downstairs.

"What's wrong with you?" Connor raised his eyebrow.

"I didn't know I had to breed with Justin?" I whisper yelled so no one can hear me.

"He didn't explain to you?" He whispered back.

"NO!" I raised my voice a little.

"Good thing good old Google explained to me." I rolled my eyes.

"He won't rush you into anything. Trust me I know. For gods sake I live with him. I know he wouldn't do anything like that. And if he does if you fell uncomfortable just tell him to stop. He'll understand he's not that stupid." Connor said truthfully looking into my ocean blue eyes.

"Okay. I was just making sure."

He nodded his head he seems to fully understand my situation. Becaues honestly I am terrified. What if he forces me to do it? I- I can't do this. I don't even know what to do! I don't know where Elliot is, I basically have no parents, I don't know what I'm doing in my future! I don't know! What am I supposed to do. I've read in books that if you are mated to the Alpha the woman is the Luna and the Luna takes care of the pack. How am I supposed to do that!? I need to talk to Justin about this. I need answers. Now.


I see Justin on the couch downstairs along with Max, Jake, Jackson and Connor. Laughing at a joke Jake must've said.

Classic Jake.

I walked in slowly and everyone stopped what they were doing. All eyes were on me.

"HEY SAPPHIRE!" Jake yelled from across the room.

"Hi. Do you think I can talk to Justin? For a moment?"

"Okay." The all said in unison. They all came close to me and Justin.


"Oh yeah sorry." They all got up and left and went upstairs. I knew they didn't actually go upstairs. I rolled my eyes laughing.

"So what do you want to tell me?" Justin looked at me with his crystal blue eyes filed with curiosity.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm-"


Who can that be?

Justin stood up and opened the door and he made his billion dollar smile.

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