Chapter #11: I, Sapphire Brooks Has Fallen For The Justin O'Connor

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Chapter #11: I, Sapphire Brooks Has Fallen For The Justin O'Connor

Sapphire's POV.





I opened my eyes only to be blinded by a really, really, REALLY bright light. I immediately lift my head up and took a good look at my surroundings. All I saw next to me was the machine that's making the annoying ass beeping noises, and a couple of chairs set near the wall. My vision was a little bit blurry but I was able to make out the figures outside the door. I saw a person with a blonde quiff and realized it was Jake, I saw a person with a brown hair color and it is also in a quiff which was Jackson, similar to Jake's was of course Max, and the last was Connor who curly, dirty blonde hair. I heard their conversation, you're probably thinking "Sapphire! How dare you eavesdrop!" Well what can I say.

I am Sapphire Brooks.


I saw the four figures near the door and saw one slowly reach for the door knob and open the door.

"Hey Sapphire? How are you feeling?" Connor asked as he sat on one of the chairs. Along with the others.

I took a look at my leg.

It was wrapped in a whole bunch of bandages.

And it throbbed and I closed my eyes tight due to the pain.

I sighed. "I'm fine it's just a little scratc-."

I got interrupted by Jake.

"Just a little scratch? Are you kidding me right now? You know what? You're right it was just a scratch." Jake exploded for no reason. I thought he was done but, no he wasn't.

"A SCRATCH THAT MADE YOU UNCONSCIOUS!" Jake yelled in my face.

I backed away a little. He saw my reaction and calmed down a little.

"I- I I'm sorry Sapphire I didn't mean to do that. I over reacted. It's just that Justin didn't even help you he even chose Alexa over you, and he knows we hate her and he failed to realize that she absolutely despises you. So I went off like a bomb on him. I don't even know why I reacted that way. I'm not usually like this." Jake explained softly.

"It's okay Jake." I smiled.

I should to talk to him. Well after I get out of the hospital. I look back down at my leg. It wasn't that bad.

Was it?

On cue the doctor came in.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Allison, and I am here to check up on your leg. And to give you some anti biotics and some cream for your leg. How is your leg feeling honey?" She observed my leg and wrote down some notes on her clipboard.

"It feels fine. Burns a little, otherwise I'm perfectly fine. So am I good to go?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes. Here is your cream and your crutches." She handed me my crutches.

Wait? Crutches?

"Yes crutches you can't just get up and walk around like that. It was a deep cut." Oh she heard me.

Keep your god damn mouth shut!

I nodded my head and took the crutches. Connor and Jake helped me get up and made sure I could use the crutches correctly. I remember the last time I had crutches...

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