Chapter #9: Mate?

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Chapter #9: Mate?

Justin's POV.

She's back now and I'm super excited but nervous at the same god damn time. I decided that today is the day I will tell her that we are mates and that I am a werewolf, and so is she.


I hope she takes it well.

"You gonna tell her?" Jake came in and asked. Along with Max, Jackson and Connor. If one goes to one place they all follow.

"I mean. Yeah? She will freak out anyway." I shrugged my shoulders 'pretending' I don't care. But inside I really do care.

"Listen man." Connor put a hand on my shoulder.

"She might not react like that. I mean what can possibly go wrong?"

"The possibilities are endless." Max pointed out.

"But still, she's a girl. I don't understand girls and their feelings."

"Hah. No one here does but you have to tell her sooner or later. It's better now than never."

"IM SO EXCITED!" Jake jumped up and down on my bed.

"What's going on in here? You guys finally grew a chest hair?" She put both her hands on her hips.

"Meanie." Jake pouted.

"I'm glad to be one." She smiled.

"Oh Sapphire, Justin here needs to tell you something." Max pushed me next to her.

'Well if you want me to talk to her...GET OUT!'

I mind linked all of them. They nodded their heads and left and they shut the door.

"So what did you want to tell me?" She sat on the bed.

I stared at her face and every facial feature was just perfect. From her hair to her lips she was gorgeous. Her eyes are captivating, I could stare into them all day.

"Justin tell me!" She pouted.

"I- I can't. Not now, at least." I opened the door to exit the room.

I just can't.

I can't risk another person I care about. Especially if she's my mate.

She put a hand on my shoulder.

"Justin you know you can tell me anything right?" She turned me around and looked into my eyes.

"Yeah but this... I can't."

"Okay. You can tell me when you're ready." She smiled. She opened the door and it revealed the guys.

"Woah! Their goes my- Um- PHONE!" Jake pretended to pick up a phone. Sapphire just laughed and went downstairs.

"What did you do!" Connor whisper yelled as soon as he shut the door.

"You were supposed to tell her!" Connor whispered.

"MAYBE BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO RISK LOSING HER!" I used my Alpha voice. I huffed and kicked the door open and went downstairs to get a bottle of water. I looked around for Sapphire and she wasn't there. I went back upstairs and as soon as I reached my door Sapphire's room door was opened slightly. In the corner of my eye I can see her face buried into her pillow. I went into my room and collapsed on my bed. Through the wall I could hear Sapphires soft sobs.

Then I heard Jakes voice.

"Sapphire, what he has to say won't be as bad as you think it will be. I promise."

"But Jake, I have a feeling it's something bad." She sniffled.

"Sapph, if it was something bad he would've told you right away. What he has to say is important to him, and it will be very important to you. And it's a huge deal. He won't say anything that will hurt your feelings or anything like that."


"I promise, Sapphire." Then I heard her room door close.

'You should've told her then and there you asshole.' My wolf Ryan growled.

'I will fix this.'

'Now you won't. PLUS! You went off on your members! YOU'RE BEST FRIENDS!'

'I SAID I WILL FIX THIS!' I tuned him out and focused on how I'm going to (for real this time) tell her she's my mate and that we're werewolves.

I got up from my bed and knocked on Sapphire's room door. I heard shuffling and she came and opened the door wiping her face.

"Oh Justin. Hey." She smiled.

But it was a fake smile

"I'm ready to tell you."

"You are?" She asked.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Uh. Yeah sure." She opened the door all the way and let me in. She shut the door.

I plopped on her bed.

"Okay. This is going to sound weird. Okay? Everything I say is 100% true. When I mean true I mean true. Like so true that-"

"Okay. Just tell me." She laughed as she sat next to me.


"A little slower please?"

I sighed.

"You are a werewolf, and I am too. And you're my mate."

Her jaw dropped.

"Show me."

I hesitated. Then I heard my bones make a cracking sound and soon enough I shifted into my wolf. My wolf has black fur and green eyes. My wolf stands about 6.2 feet high. I towered over Sapphire.

She backed up a bit her hands were shaking.

'Don't be scared.' I told her through mind link. (She doesnt know it is called mind link).

'But- but YOU'RE A WOLF! And- and you're tall and-'

'It's okay Sapph, come closer.'

She moved foward a bit and slowly put her shaking hand on my head. She started stroking my fur.

'Justin?' She mind linked me.

'Yeah?' I answered.

'What's a Mate?'

Hai brosssssss!!!! Hope ya having a good day!😃 Hope you enjoyed this is unedited. 😶And hope you enjoyed this one.

Am I going to fast in the story?📚

Do you want more Sapphire Povs or Justin's? 🙆or🙋

What do you think of the characters? 😅🤔😳

Should I do POVS like Jake, Connor, Max, Jackson, maybe someone unknown? 😏

Do you have any suggestions?🤔

And do you like the story?🤔😋🤗😅

Bai brosssssss!!! 😃🤗✌


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