Chapter #6: Where are you Sapphire? Where are you?

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Chapter #6: Where are you Sapphire? Where are you?

Justin's POV. (Finally)




I tried to reach out to her again but I got no response.

'Get me the search team now.' I mind linked Jake, Connor, Max, and Jackson.

'What's wrong?' They mind linked me in unison.

'I can't explain now just get me the search team.'

'Yes Alpha.' They all responded.

This must be something to do with David. David is a very bad man. He lives with his wife, Monica and together they made their own pack. The Crescent Moon pack and they are dangerous and have attacked my pack multiple times in the past but now he is on the lose. I should've killed him when I had the chance. And the worst thing is Sapphire is living with them. Yeah, they're Sapphire's step parents. And they have her captured. Who knows where they are going? Who knows what they are up to? Who knows what they are going to do with Sapphire? My mate is in trouble, and I have to save her. Before anything gets worse.

After that we had a pack meeting with the search team, Jake, Max, Connor, Jackson, my warriors and my greatest fighters in the pack.

"Listen I want you guys to cover up the north area while you guys do the west side. You guys split up and some go on the south. You three will go on the east sides. Got it?"

"Yes Alpha." They all said.

"Good. Now let's go save our Luna." I said as I slammed my hand on the desk. They all nodded their heads and went to their spots I assigned them.

30 minutes passed.

'Guys change of plans I think I know where they are.' I mind linked every one.

We all meet up in the office again and discussed some things on how everything is going to work.

"Northwest Billivard." I stated.

"What?" Connor asked.

"Northwest Billivard! THAT'S WHERE THEY ARE!" I yelled.

"See. Here they took her from the Grocery Mart and the last time we found them was only 3 miles away. They must be there." I explained drawing a red dot on the location on a map that was taped to the office wall.

"Alright let's move. SHIFT!" I ordered.

We shifted as we ran out the door one by one and followed the route where Sapphire might be.

I smell chocolate and coconut.

'Must be our mate' My wolf said in joy.

'I smell her. It's strong.' I mind linked as they nodded their heads and walked up to a wrecked cabin near the end of the woods.

'On 3.'


They got in position.


They growled.


We bust the door open and found nothing. It was empty.

'No mate.' My wolf said disappointedly.

My heart felt empty without her.

I found the sweater Sapph was wearing this morning on the cold, wooden floor. Her scent was still present but the smell was faded.

Where are you Sapphire? Where are you?

My wolf howled.

Whale hoped you guys enjoyed this was crappy to. -.- Also this is unedited so if any know why. And have a amazing day!!!



ooooooohhhhh yeeaahhhh boiii.

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