Chapter #15: It's Just Not The Same Anymore

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Chapter #15: It's Just Not The Same Anymore

Justin's POV.

I've lost a best friend. I've lost a member of my pack. Max was a loved friend and brother. He didn't even find his mate yet. We have to move before they come and track us down and take us back to that horrid place. I looked down at my beautiful mate peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. I shook her awake.

"Sapph, we need to go." She rubbed her puffy red eyes and yawned.

"Okay let's go then." She said still dosing off. I shook Elliot, Jake, Connor and Jackson awake and shifted immediately. I ran past the woods, the tress and bushes was all a blur. The wind blowing in my face as I ran. I felt relaxed and free. I slowed down a little to see if they are following me. They were still all the way at the beginning.

'You guys are so slow.'

'We just woke up you ass.' Elliot responded. Elliot was a red-brown wolf with emerald green eyes, Jake was a dirty blonde wolf with green eyes also and Sapphire was a golden wolf with light blue eyes. I was a jet black wolf with bright blue eyes. Jackson was a brown wolf with blue-green eyes and Connor was a blonde wolf with hazel eyes.

'Elliot watch your profanities.' Connor said.

'She can't survive a full 24 hours without saying a single curse word.' Sapphire challenged.

'Watch me.'

'Okay then 24 hours starts now.'

'Okay I'm so gonna survive.'

'Yeah right.' We all said at the same time.

'You guys are such-'

'Such what?' Connor asked.

'Amazing people I'm soooo happy I know you guys.' I can tell she has a fake smile on her face. After that conversation they had finally arrived so we can move on with our journey back to the house.

'We are almost there keep moving.'

'I know you're Alpha and everything but you don't have to sound like Leonardo from the ninja turtles.' Sapphire said with a whine.

'I'm so a Mikey fan.' Sapphire squealed.

'I know he is hilarious! I love Mikey.' Elliot squealed with her.

'You guys are so immature.' I rolled my eyes.

'Says the guy who hides pokémon cards in his file cabinet!' Sapphire yelled.

'How'd you find that? I mean what are you talking about?' I laughed nervously.

'Mhm. Yep I found it. I was searching for some lose change and found a whole stack of pokémon cards. I decided not to say anything. But since you brought up that I'm "immature" so I said you have pokémon cards in I repeat in your file cabinet.' Sapphire stated matter of factly.

'Whatever let's just go.'

We start walking on a long pathway and followed that path.

'Turn left.' I said

'We turn left right?' Connor said.

'No left.'

'I know we turn left. Right?'




'ALRIGHT.' Connor yelled.

We turned left and found the right path to the house.

'I know where we're going now.'

'Okay. Just lead the way Leonardo.'

I rolled my eyes at her statement but smiled at the same time.

We shifted back to our human form and we just walked the rest of the way. (With clothes of course.) We arrived at the house and I took out the keys and opened the door. Everything will be so different without Max around. We all looked around with sadness.

"I'm going to go upstairs." Jake choked out and ran up the stairs. Elliot immediately followed him to comfort him. Jackson went upstairs to his room and so did Connor. It was just me and Sapphire.

"Wow. It will be so quiet in here with Jake all like that. I miss Max so much. He was like a protective brother to me." She she smiled sadly as tears streamed down her face. I engulfed her into a hug and gently stroked her hair as she cried in my shoulder.

"It is so messed up." She said.

"I hate it. I hate it. I hate it." She punched my chest.

"I'm going to get revenge. On my brother, Alexa, and the other one whatever her name was. And the person behind all of this mess. They are going to pay what they did." She sobbed.

"Sapphire, revenge is not the answer." I remember the last time I used revenge as the answer and it turned out horrible. It ended me in jail for years including Jackson, Jake, Connor and Max. That's why we are not a gang anymore. We decided to end it. So we did. And everything was just fine. We never caused trouble again.


"Why? Don't you want them to pay for what they did? To us?" She asked with anger evident in her voice.

"I do it's just that we should leave this alone. We don't want anything to get worse, you could end up kidnapped again possibly even dead. It could also be Jackson or maybe Elliot? Just leave it alone. Voilence is not the answer to all problems Sapph." I said softly.

"You're right Leo, I'm sorry I got a little crazy." I smiled at the nickname.

"It's okay Mikey I forgive you."

"I'm going to head to the shower." She said and slowly walked up the stairs.

The happiness is not there. It seems fake. It's going to take a while to move on after Max's death. We won't be the same anymore. We won't do anything the same anymore. It's just not the same anymore. No matter what Max will always be remembered. We will never forget Max.

Haiiiii brossssss!!!!

Hope you enjoyed a short one!!!! Have a fantastically fantastic day everyone. Don't forget to comment, vote, suggest and possibly share!

Baiiii brosssssss!!!✌✌✌


Unedited 😅

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