Chapter #18: Officially Marked

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Chapter #18: Officially Marked

Sapphire's POV

"My lover's got humor. She's the giggle at a funeral. Knows everybody's disapproval. I've should've worshipped her sooner. If the heavens ever did speak. She is the last true mouthpiece. Every Sunday's getting more bleak-" I groaned in frustration.

"I always mess up that freaking note!" I yelled.

"What's going on in here?" Justin laughed.

"Oh I'm just practicing a song. You know to see if I actually sound pretty pleasant to the fellow ears." I laughed. It got silent. But it wasn't like AWKWARD it was comfortable.

"Are you okay?" He was referring to yesterday.

"Uh. Yeah I'm fine." I gave him my 1 million dollar smile. Because, I mean come on you know it's worth a million dollars.

"Good." Justin smirked.

"Hey guys." Elliot walked in my room.

"Hey Elli." I grinned.

"Hey jerk." Elliot had a bored face.

Elliot's Expression: -_-

"I have feelings too!" He crossed his arms.

"Oh shut up you big baby." I pushed his shoulder. He fell face down on the floor.

"Heheh oops?" I nervously smiled.

"Wow I feel the love Sapphire." He glared at me.


Justin's POV

"When are you going to mark her?" Connor rolled his eyes.

"I'm taking her on a date first." I stated confidentially. Maybe to confident.

"And then you'll mark her? I mean what if she's not ready?" Jake said unsure.

"I mean I can't wait to long. She's going to be the Luna."

They nodded.

"Well hope it goes well then." Jake said.

"Me too." I bit my lip.

Sapphire's POV.

"I'm so excited!" Elliot screamed.

"What in the bloody hell are you excited about?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh. Nothing." She looked away.

"What is it? Come on you can tell me." I pouted.

"Justin told me not to tell you." She smiled and realized what she said and covered her mouth with her hands. Her eyes were wide.

"I mean. I- um, well you see. Ugh I can't tell you okay? It's a surprise. A good one though." Elliot grinned.

"Ugh! Fine." I rolled my eyes.

Her expression-» :D

Mine-» -.-

Someone knocked on my bedroom door. Elliot jumped up like it was her cue to get up. The door was only opened slightly and I couldn't see who was out the door. Elliot was talking in a whisper and she kept nodding her head.

Her expression-» :}

She slammed the door. She didnt just close it. No. She slammed it.

"Arighty. It's time. LET'S GO SHOPPING!" She squealed. I even had to step back a little. She nearly broke every glass in the whole fucking room. She literally grabbed my arm and yanked me out the door.

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