☏ 2:00AM ☏

45.6K 2.5K 818

Bold: boy
Normal: girl


"Help me," A frightened voice whispered.

"STOP CALLING, especially at 2am! It was fun but nothing special, just a  o-n-e n-i-g-h-t 

"W-wait, what happened last night?" The boy stifled a laugh, through tears.

"Superman lost his spandex—hold up, who is this?"


"OHHHH well Batman, I'll just forgiv—WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU CALLED ME AT 2AM?

"I um...don't want to burden you but I'm holding...um, I don't know how to say this."

"I'm hanging up if you've murdered someone, Batman."


"This is what I get for giving my phone number to strangers....run now Batman, before the police catch you."

"Superheroes don't go to jail lov...I'm holding sleeping pills."

"Oh...wait so when you said help....got ya. Well um, I don't know, distract yourself? Ugh, I don't know how to help..."

"Telling someone kind of helped...thanks for listening."

"I gave up my beautiful sleep for you...not like I was following ants across my desk, looking for their nest to destroy them or anything..."


"Goodnight Batman or well, good morning."


This is the strangest story I've ever written, I FEEL sorry for you if you're reading this. Vote, comment or what's the other one?

 Vote, comment or what's the other one?

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Thinking of naming this small fandom:

B.I.L ('s)

Beautiful, intelligent, lifeforms



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