☏ 2:59AM ☏

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PLEASE READ: The italics are a boy who's over at Elizabeth place. He won't talk in any other chapters.

"Hello, this is Elizabeth's phone. Jason speaking."

"Who the fuck—who hell are you? Where's Elizabeth?"

"Excuse me? Dude, calm down."

"...where is Lizzy?"

"Don't break your teeth from how hard your clenching them."

"Why are you even at her place at 2am?"

"Dude, we just got back from a party..."

"Where is she now?"

"I'll go get her, geez. She's in the shower."

"Fucking open her bathroom door and I swear I'll hurt you."

"What are you, some sociopath?"

"No, I'm her boy—best friend. So in a way yes, for skittle—fucks sake. Who the hell are you?"

"Her roommate's boyfriend?"

"Oh dude...I'm so sorry. I thought you were—"

"It's all good man, I would've done the same if she was my girlfriend."

"We're not—"

"Elizabeth, your boyfriend's on the phone!"

"Shit, damn you Jason."

"Hello there...boyfriend?"

"- - -"

"He hung up...did he say his name?"

"No but Lizzy, this man is in love. Completely love struck."


YAH!! We're #445 on the list I still don't know the name off!!! Please please vote! Means a lot, love you guys.


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