☏ 2:11AM ☏

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"It's me I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet—"

"YOU'RE OKAY! WAIT are you okay?"


"Thank god you're not dead, WAIT is this a goodbye note?"


"You can't leave me—"



"I'm not going to die, sorry to disappoint you though. Seems like you had a whole speech ready."

"OH...okay sorry. Just a little panic attack back there."

"I noticed..."

"I thought I'd never hear your laugh again."


"Laugh away. I just care about your wellbeing, okay."

"Okay, okay, sorry. What were you saying before?"

"What happened after the line went dead?"

"The line? I never called you Tyson."

"On the contrary. You butt dialled me, apparently. Sorry I didn't hang up when I realised you couldn't hear me..."

"What did you hear? How long were you listening?"

"Don't be annoyed, please. I-I heard your conversation with your dad. Then you swore and screamed to look out. Before I knew it the line had gone dead. I thought you were dead."

"OH...well um...just a little fight. On the bright  side of things I only broke my arm, my right arm actually. Which is good because I'm left handed. Dad wasn't so lucky."

"OH...I'm sorry for your lost."

"No ya dingus, he's not dead. In a critical    condition but he should live. Broke a hip, a fractured collar bone and a baby toe."

"...a broken baby toe. Okay that's kinda funny, come on."

"It is, it's always the unseen that get hurt."

"On a serious note though, I'm glad you're a okay. I almost shat a brick when the line went dead."

"Ooooo, ouch. Could you imagine how

"Don't even go there."

"So before I 'almost died,' did the hint help you with my name?"

"No...well I swear I've heard those lines before. I don't know, maybe off a movie or song?"

"I'd just give up if I was you, considering how much easier buying a bucket of skittles would be."

"Nope because I'm determined to have dinner with you."

"Y-you actually want that dinner with me?"

"Of course, free food obviously."

"Oh yah, obviously...well you're paying so HA."

"No way—"

"Gentleman always pay for their girl."

"So, you're my girl?"


"Hey! Don't laugh at me, you're words not mine."

"Sure Tyson, I'm your girl. QUEEN ANT KILLER 18th"

"Wow, I thought you were serious for a second—"

"Goodnight Tyson."

"Goodnight, feel better soon."

"- - -"

"I almost wished you were serious. Almost."


MASSIVE thank you for anyone who's reading because *drumroll* WE ARE #778 ranked on the list thingy, I didn't even know existed until 5 minutes ago!!!!


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