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(Unedited )

A/N: Be warned this chapter is very corny and if you don't like "cliche" stuff don't read this :P I wrote this bit just for fun so again WARNING CORNY CLICHE MOMENTS COMING UP!!

Like Lord Farquaad said

Like Lord Farquaad said

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Tyson found something fascinating in the way his hand hugged Elizabeth's hand so perfectly. His fingers curled around her hand gently as they walked down the street. Pride radiated off Tyson knowing she was his, everyone who walked past could see she was his.

That's what Tyson tried to tell himself anyway, when actually he was hers. He had always been hers.

Elizabeth went to turn left but Tyson pulled her back into his side, "We passed the restaurant-"

"I know. We're going somewhere more special for dinner," Tyson grinned, taking his girlfriend by the waist and walking to the edge of the street.

He waved down a taxi before Elizabeth could protest. Her face was the picture of confusion but Tyson had been doing random acts of love lately, she mentally kicked herself for not seeing this coming.

He opened the door for her and she slipped in laughing on how hard he was trying to gentleman and how hard he was failing.

Tyson leant forward and talked into the ear of the driver which surprisingly didn't jump from how close Tyson was. That was some skill for a taxi driver, Elizabeth grinned and stared out the window which framed the streets of San Francisco.  

"Mum wanted us to fly to Australia, sometime. She wants to meet you." Elizabeth said, making conversation not knowing how long the trip would be.

"OH...well I guess that'd be good. Your dad won't like us going though." He chuckled, knowing Elizabeth father would hate the idea of his daughter seeing his devoiced wife, "I'd finally get alone time with you, away from you dad."

Tyson gave her smirked which she responded with the shake of her head, pushing his cheek away with one finger and he went in for a kiss.

Tyson opened her door when they stopped, paying the poor lonely man who had to listen Tyson flirt for forty minutes.

Walking up to a little house filled with fairy lights around the brim off the roof, Elizabeth grinned from how throughout Tyson had taken her little bet a months ago.

It was a small little restaurant in practically in the middle of nowhere, Elizabeth beat him to the door handle just to annoy him and opened the door.

An old lady who looked a hundred and two sat knitting in the corner, another lady kneading dough next to her. Both of them looking up as they walked in.

"Mrs Bentley, it's been awhile," Tyson took off his jacket, it wasn't that cold but he brought it just in case Lizzy got cold.

The lady screamed in joy leaving her dough and ran up to Tyson, despite her ageing bones she jumped into Tyson's arms. Before releasing him quickly, realising her hands were covered in flour.

"Tyson! OH, I'm so sorry," She said cheerfully through a thick Italian accent, brushing off the small amount of flower on his clothes, just actually added more from her floury hands. 

"Sarah, this is Elizabeth. My girlfriend," Tyson gestured to Elizabeth proudly, which Sarah went straight for a hug and gratefully Lizzy hugged her back making a face a Tyson.

"Miss Bentley was my nanny for 17 years." Tyson chuckled, "She probably the only reason I didn't die from drinking and driving."

Sarah Bentley was a very animated women so her next few words were put in with so many actions Elizabeth held back a giggle.

"YES! He was such a naughty boy, you know. Always drinking and girls. I actually now that I see your face...are you the same girl Tyson couldn't stop telling me about his first kiss-" Tyson cut her off quickly, blushing because it was true.

"That's enough catching up, don't you think. We'll just be outside."

"Yes, you enjoy yourself but I don't want you to do anything naughty," She gave Tyson knowing look.

"He wouldn't even get close, don't worry" Elizabeth nodded, grinning at a smiling Sarah.

Tyson led her out the back door to where an old massive tree sat in all his glory.

That's when Elizabeth gasped.

"Glad you remember him." Tyson chuckled, picking her up so she wouldn't get her shoes wet in the damp grass.

'Of course it had to rain before we got here' Tyson thought wearily as the bottom his jeans got wet.

The tree was the same as the last time they'd been there. It's branches massive and strong, just like their memories. Some branched were thin and would fall off in a strong wind but never the whole tree, a hurricane could be the only thing that tore Tyson and Elizabeth apart. 

He lifted her up into the branches, glad he told her to wear jeans and not a dress. He pulled himself  up only to find she'd gone higher up the tree.

"Slow down. You'll fall," He yelled as she climbed higher, he raced after her scared to death she was going to slip.

The higher he climber the stronger the branches seemed to get, if it wasn't for the rustle of leaves he probably would've missed where Elizabeth had stopped.

Just like the first time they'd ever met, Tyson pulled back the thick branch that hid Lizzy. Just like the first time she was sitting in the crook of the branch, staring out at the city. Just like the first time, Tyson got butterflies in his stomach.

He climbed along the branch of the fig tree that was probably 200 years old and sat in his spot.

They just sat. Sat in silence. A silence that was comforting and warmed the soul.

Tyson pulled a packet of skittles out of his pocket, mentally patting himself one the back, and handed her a one.

Elizabeth reached over and took the packet from him, leaving him with one little orange skittle.

"Look..." Tyson leaned forward to see where she was pointing, further down the branch were some letters scratched into the wood.

Words that meant nothing to anyone in the whole world, just two people.

"I almost died writing those," Tyson chuckled, remembering how he slipped and fell before landing painful on the branch below him.

It seemed such a long way out when they were kids, but all Elizabeth had to do now was leaned forward and reach out. So that's what she did.

Letting her thumb run over the wood.



Thank you for all who enjoyed my book and I'm sorry for all those who died in the reading of how cliché this chapter was, but HEY we all like a bit of cliché.

First book I've ever completed and I thought maybe I should put it in the watty's! Probably won't get anything, like NOTHING but a girl can dream.

Vote and comment, not for me...but the orange skittles who never get eaten. R.I.P

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