☏ 2:49AM ☏

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"Got my bucket of skittles y—"

"IT'S YOU. Oh my gosh, it's been a month and a half. WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! Why didn't you say you were leaving for a bit? Geez, I needed you. Ugh."

"Tyson...are you alright?... in your heart and head? You got your gal pal worried"

"What? Gal Pal...? Well, I'm happy now you are here."

"Flatterer....But... if I wasn't...Would you be okay without me?"

"Why are we talking about this? You're not going anywhere, right?"

"I'm going to tell you a story, alright?"

"Oh, um, okay?"

"Once upon a time—"

"I'm going to hate this story but continue."

"Once upon a time there lived two bears. One bear was adventurous and the other;...er... not so much. Yet together they made the perfect team...they actually fell in love eventually. Their world changed when they joined a bear clan. Everyone loved the adventurous bear and the other bear was happy for him. Though...the adventurous one soon grew out of the other bear's company...he forgot their love. So she let him go and he never noticed she left. That bear vowed not to get in the adventurous bear's way again. She was going to be strong, be the friend the other bear might need, but she wasn't going to let things return to the way they used to be. That...she thought doing that would hurt her.


"Did you fall asleep?"

"Almost actually. That's an um...'interesting' story?"

"...Blind as a Batman."

"Hey! I'm just listening to the sound of your voice, it's not a crime. I missed your laugh and your annoying ant domination plans."

"So you have no idea who I am?"

"No. Should I? We went to the same school though."

"Of course not Tyson. I remember you though. Quarterback of the football team, a top jock, sitting on the tip of the stupid hierarchy that's school life. How could I forget?"

"Yah...not something to be proud of or something I want to reminisce about."

"Why so sad?"

"I feel bad that I don't remember you, like AT ALL"

"Don't worry. I was no one important to you."

"Mmm. Okay. By the way, I want a rematch with trying to guess your name. You left for so long and missed the due date."

"I'll give you a hint."

"Thank go"

"Laugh as much as you choose, but you will never laugh me out of my opinion"

"How the hell does that help me?"

"There's your hint. Sorry Batman, I have a friend calling from England. Dumb time difference."


"It should click soon...I hope I haven't overestimated you, Batman!"

"Wait, what?"

"- - -"

"She hung up on me. Again. Women!"



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Mamma Donut loves you Donuts

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