☏ 2:27AM ☏

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"Lilly! I got it, your name is Lilly!"

"Could you imagine if you called the wrong number and some poor old, helpless lady heard you screaming that?...And also would you stay quiet. I can't sneak up on the ants if you are yelling in my ear and no my name is not Lilly."

"Sneaking up on ants...right. You know they'll feel the vibration as you walk."

"Well lucky I'm crawling then, huh."

"Wow, maybe if you cleaned your room you wouldn't have ants."

"Maybe if you wrote my name in your contacts you wouldn't have to buy me a bucket of skittles."



"Congratulations. Now your room smells like bug spray...stop evil laughing it's creeping me out."

"Victory, Batman?"

"What do you want?"

"Why did you call me of all people when you...ya know."

"When I tried to kill myself?"

"I thought it as a touchy subject..."

"No. I don't care, I'm the one who did it. Honestly, I clicked on a random contact emoji."

"Oh, wait everyone in your contacts have emojis for names? That's dumb."

"Yah well, I did it when I was young. I never got around to deleting them. So we actually went to the same school, I guess."

"I have to go..."

"What? Why?"

"I have to feed...the dog."

"No one feeds their dog at 2am, what's wrong?"

"- - -"



Hope you liked it! Wowowowo 1k reads! Thanks so much I love you guys :)


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