☏ 3:37PM ☏

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A/N: I know all of the other chapters have been over phone call but for this chapter it will be from Tyson's football practice, written in third person. This is a day later than the last time he talked to Elizabeth, it is now a Friday.


Tyson sprinted up the field, not bothering to wipe the sweat and grit that had gotten in his eyes. Tyson had a reputation to uphold now, being-once again- the quarter back and one of the best players on the team.

His chest burned from the lack for training he'd had and his calf muscles begged for a break but he continued to power down the field, football tucked safely under his right arm.

A big bloke of a man, Tyson recognised as John Green ran at him like a bull. John arms where stretched out like thick walls, ready to grab Tyson by the waist, wind him, before throwing him to the ground.

'That,' Tyson thought, 'would never happen.'

Tyson being the amazing athlete he was, constructed a fake side sprinting down the field. Tyson placed down the ball easily on the field, the team grinning and examining Tyson skill he'd just had displayed.

"John! What the hell was that? You've been played by that move too many times!" The coached yelled, gripping his clipboard like a stress ball.

"Don't worry man, probably just didn't get his coffee this morning," I offered John, who seemed to be trying to keep calm himself after being called out in front of everyone.

"Or the Misses didn't give him any ass this morning," Jack, a tall big headed man added laughing at his own comment.

The team had been broken up until two groups,  one working on the defensive and the other offence .

All the boys ran back to the coach when his voice reached them, not that the coach need  to yell. The coach's normal voice had always been screaming, yelling was a whole new level of loud.

"Final Games tomorrow boys, the big one. Get sleep and good food, no girlfriend with Netflix & chill. You hear me?! We have to win this game, no messing around boys" The coach growled, "I will be checking tomorrow who looks tried. See you at the games boys but I want you to do two laps of the park before you leave. Tyson, make sure the boys run hard," The short man walked off to lock the sport shed.

Tyson didn't need to convince the team, they showed him respect after hearing his footy past. Respect wasn't something Tyson had felt for a long time, it felt good too.

Everyone followed behind Tyson's lead, running slower than a sprint but faster than a jog. Tyson could feel the sweat running down his chest and back, it would've been worse if he had been wearing a shirt.

They ran without being disturbed, just a few glances and red cheeks from college  students who had decided to study in the massive park. 

Tyson had been trying to ignore the pain that he didn't even notice a group of men running towards them. Someone grabbed Tyson's shoulder making him look up, slamming his heels into the ground.

The whole team stopped before they collided with the group of men.

Tyson couldn't understand why the group of boys were giving them such pissed looks, the captain of Tyson's team who was bringing up the rear walked up to the boys.

"Jason," The captain growled at the blonde haired boy who was standing proudly in front of his men.

"Mathew," Jason answered smirking taking another step towards the Mathew as trying to tempt the captain to fight.

Tyson literally had no idea what was going on but it was obvious his team hated these group of boys, probably a football team of their own.

"You better watch yourself Mick, don't want you getting hurt before tomorrow's game," Jason taunted and it was at that moment Tyson realised why Jason sounded so familiar.

"Hey! Back off mate," Tyson pushed Jason a step away from his captain, he didn't want or need a fight but he did want answers.

"Who's the new guy? David still in hospital?" Jason smirked at Mathew and that's when a fist flew past Tyson's head and into Jason's jaw.

"You broke his ribs you bastard!" Mathew yelled and his team held onto his arms, stopping him from having another go at Jason's face.

"Hey! Hey!" Tyson grabbed Jason and bashed him with his shoulder on the chest so he wouldn't tackle Mathew.

"Fuck off you bastard or I'll drop you and make sure you don't rise," Jason spat, shoving Tyson who only glared at he angry man.

The tension between the two group made Tyson's head hurt and he was glad when Mathew hit Jason's shoulder with his own before running off.

"Is Elizabeth going to the game with your girlfriend?" Tyson blurted out as his team followed their captain, glaring at the other boys, Tyson's team bashing shoulders with Jason's.

"What? What the hell are you talking about?" Jason growled as his own team kept running leaving the two boys alone.

Tyson took a step forward showing he wasn't intimidated by Jason who was at least 2 inches taller than Tyson. 

"You picked up her phone once, I know you. We talked on the phone, I-I swore at you because I thought you were her boyfriend," Tyson spoke, watching Jason's smirk drop from the realisation of the sentence.

"You bastard, you stay away from her. You hear me?! You're an idiot, if you think you can date her. You're not allowed to date someone on the opposite team mate-"

"It's just a game."

"No it isn't, we have code Tyson. I'm guessing you're new to this but you can't go around and dating girls from our side. And yes, she's going with my girlfriend to the game. She'll be cheering for us, not for someone like you." Jason hissed, he was speaking of football like it was a holy sport.

Tyson was still in shock that he only lived kilometres away from her to even notice Jason had move so he was only centimetre away from his face. Before he knew it Jason had pushed him aside and jogged away.

He sprinted to catch up with his team who were running hard, determination to beat those asses running through their veins. His head was cloudy as thoughts of Lizzy fogged his mind.

He needed to call her. Tell her to meet him or something but Tyson never got to call her when  came home.

His father who had been overseas for four months had come home. Tyson forgot. So Elizabeth went to sleep not knowing the events of the days to come.


I'm sorry if you didn't like my third person writing style but I really needed this chapter   not to be through phone calls between Tyson and Lizzy. Updates soon!


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