☏ 6:35PM ☏

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A/N: Again, this isn't through phone calls. This is an eventful chapter and I do hope you like it.

Tyson tied the laces on his boots left to right and it had to be left to right. Every game Tyson ever won he had tied his shoes left to right.

It had moulded into his routine with the hope that it would give him some extra luck for the big games. It had worked so far so why change it?

"Yo, Tyson. I never got around to tell you that this game is massive for our school! Beyond the fact that this is a final, the other college we're playing is our archenemy in a way. They're rough and cruel, so beat the crap out of them. Good luck. Also thank you for standing in for our quarter back, I don't know what we would've done otherwise,"  Mathew smiled, clapping Tyson on the shoulder before running to join the rest of the team.

Tyson shook his head and rolled his shoulder trying to get the feeling of butterflies out of his stomach. His mind couldn't decide (more like refused to believe) if the cause was the fact Elizabeth would be watching.

He wanted to call her, say to meet him somewhere. He didn't care where, it could be anywhere in the whole world but he needed to see her again.

Tyson actually ended up dialling her number but never clicked the call button. His finger had hovered over the green button at least ten times but he couldn't do it.

He would never admit it to anyone but he was afraid. Afraid she'd turn him down, that he'd gotten his hopes up on a girl that could never be won over again.

A friendship (a relationship) just a fingertip out of reach, always taunting him with that notion he could win it in fact he never could.

When he had once had it and carelessly thrown it aside. As much as he wanted it, did he even deserve to try again?

Helmet in one hand, nerves and adrenaline pumping in his veins, Tyson ran out of the change room followed by the team. Mathew ran in front of him, leading his team into what everyone thought would be the game on the century.

Tyson's heart skipped a beat when he saw how massive the crowd was. Row upon row of screaming people, the different colours from his team and from the other colleges blended into the sea of people.

The thrill of playing the sport thrummed his veins as he grinned, staring around at the crowd. He couldn't help but gawk at how loud the noise of the crowd was, cheers and scream drummed in his ear like a gigantic, collective heartbeat.

Before Tyson knew it his team was in one line, their captain having first kick. He couldn't help but look up in the crowd knowing Lizzy was watching, probably not even knowing he was playing in the game. Tyson shook his head, 'Head in the game.'

Mathew kicked the ball perfectly down the filed, caught by a player from the opposing college. The game began and Tyson couldn't help but smile from the joy of being back on the field.

The two teams charged at each other like bulls, every member on the field eyeing off their target. Tyson slammed himself into one of the players trying to get past their defence. The crowd screamed when Mathew took down the guy holding the ball.

As the game progressed Tyson soon forgot Lizzy was watching, he played like this was the last game in the world. Sprinting, bashing, score. The game soon got messy when a guy took Matthew to the ground as he jumped for the throw.

The crowd erupted with boos, gasps and cheering as Matthew's helmet came clean off. The whistle blew and I ran to Mathew's side a who had glassy eyes and was unmoving.

"Hey buddy, you'll be alright. Okay?" Tyson said comfortingly as a team dressed in red ran over holding a stretcher.

Mathew looked sickly still but pleaded it was only just a concussion. The fear of being without a captain struck Tyson as the person who took him down laughed. Mathew held them together. What were they to do now?

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