☏ 2:24AM ☏

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"A duck walked up to a lemonade stand—"

"I never thought I'd be so happy to hear your OH so horrible singing."

"So kind, you bring tears to my eyes. It's only been a week and you know, you could've just called first."

"I'm always kind, obviously. And I thought you'd...I don't know call me first if you wanted to talk. I don't want to come across as needy..."


"Stop laughing."


"Well at least we found the only cute noise that comes out of your mouth."

"Geez, mate. You being needy is like saying everyone loves orange skittles. Like seriously they are POINTLESS. I want to taste sugar not some crappy orange— "

"Stay on topic."

"Right. Anywho, onto a better topic. Got any ideas for my name?"


"What? How did you even—"

"I GOT IT RIGHT?! Seriously?"

"Nah, just kidding but I'm glad to see how happy you were before I crushed you like an ant."

"Don't you want to know my name?"

"I know your name. Batman. Batman is good enough for me. Too bad Queen Ant Killer 18th wasn't good enough for—"

"Or how I have your phone number?"

"I'm almost certain I slept with you, your voice sounds very familiar. Wait...are you the guy we faked it at a party so people wouldn't think you were gay or a virgin?"

"No...you get around—"

"WAIT!!! You're the guy who literally didn't last 30 seconds?"

"Wow not even 30 seconds. Such a disappointment to mankind."


"...annnnnd the cute laugh again."

"Sorry, what?

"I've got to go...um errrrr—"

"What did you say about my laugh?"

"SHAVE MY LEGS!!! I have to go shave my legs, yep it's a sport thingy guys do. "

"At 2 in the morning?"

"Gives time for the cuts to heal."

"Right. Enjoy."

"- - -"

Tyson, blushing runs a hand through his hair.


What do you think of his name???


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