Chapter - 8

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• Overthinking •


"So tell me. What is it?" Neelam asked after making herself comfortable on the bed with her legs crossed. With that stance of hers, Nikshit could tell she had come here for a long talk for sure.

"How did you know that I wanted to share something with you?" He looked up, looking genuinely surprised.

It wasn't the first time Neelam guessed his mood or what was on his mind but he was left surprised every time. Because it was like an amazing super power. His mother is like a mind reader sometimes.

"I'm your mother, Nikshit. Of course I understand your fluctuating moods and demeanor. Come on now, speak up." She said, caressing his hair lovingly.

Nikshit closed his eyes and let out a sigh because it felt so good that he felt like he could just fall asleep right now.

He almost forgot that he was supposed to talk until he was nudged by Neelam gesturing him to open his mouth and speak.

But again, what was he supposed to share with her?

That he's been brooding over every little thing even without giving it a second thought over it's worth being something to overthink about? That just wouldn't make any sense to anyone else other than himself.

"I'm just very confused and clueless these days, Ma. I don't know what to do." With his eyes still closed he didn't realize how whiny he sounded. But complaining like this felt relieving. Mothers are just like that, their mere presence makes you feel reassured and safe.

"Confused about what? Your wedding outfit's color?"

"Ma, please!"

"I like the ivory one." Neelam giggled looking at his whining face. Sure she understood he's unsure of pretty much everything right now because things were going up too fast and it's a once in a lifetime experience. Of course, she understands the dilemma and hesitation in his every move.

Marriage was going to be a lifelong taxing part of his life. She'd have been more worried if he was not brooding over it.

"Ma, I think I'm scared." Nikshit looked at her hesitantly.

It's not just about whatever was happening related to marriage but with Maithili too. Even though they've been passing acknowledgement of existence to each other, they've been avoiding each other just as much too.

"It's not just me. I think it's going to be very difficult. I'm scared as to how I will manage if she keeps being indifferent to me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Indifferent? Did something happen?"

Nothing had happened and that was the problem.

Nikshit was just ignored when he tried to speak to her while they were at the office. Later, he got a gist of it- it was a result of people from her floor being in the same lift and it was too awkward to respond for her when the others were giving the two of them a side eye.

The key point was- he had made the first move and failed miserably.

"Nikshit, I don't know how your generation's thought process works so I can only give you one advice and that is to take the first step if you want to approach her. Try harder if you're ignored, communication is the key so talk, talk a lot. Other than that, with time every relationship takes its course naturally."

Neelam said while pressing her palm occasionally on his creased forehead. Nikshit kept quiet and listened to her. It's not that he doesn't really know what to do, he has to court her but the problem is- he doesn't know how to.

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