Chapter - 29

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Longest chapter so far. :)

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• flourishing •


The light knock on the door pushed it enough to let him know it's open. Nikshit, hesitant for nearly a second pushed it open, only to be greeted by his wife standing in a trance with a piece of lacy clothing around her neck and a hand stuck in a loop, looking at it with agony filled eyes, as if she was going to cry any second.

Hearing the door opening and looking up to meet his eyes had Maithili's eyes watering already. Nikshit was cluelessly baffled. Wasn't it him who was supposed to get some attention and pampering instead?

He couldn't stop himself from giving in either and wordlessly stood in front of her with his eyes softened.

Maithili frustratedly tried to get out of it, holding the piece of clothing in agony and tears were falling on her cheeks rapidly and she hated being a cry baby in such situations the most. She'd worn it only once before, it was expensive and this wasn't the only thing that doesn't fit her anymore either. She was only getting sadder while counting the number of clothes she hasn't been able to wear lately.

"I can't fit in my clothes anymore. I've gained too much weight. Am I too fat now?" The quivering lips had curled down while she spoke.

Maithili had gained a lot of weight recently because of several factors of course, mostly thanks to her hormonal imbalance which has been an old problem for a long time now and her changed eating habits added a lot to it.

The fluctuations in weight was such a normal thing yet it's always saddening in some ways. Her diet has changed tremendously after marriage as well and she loved the gains afterwards but what she didn't appreciate was not being able to fit into her old clothes.

"No, you're not fat. And it's okay, your clothes are supposed to fit you, it shouldn't be the other way around. You can always buy a size bigger." Nikshit said while helping her out of it then wrapping his hands around her.

Maithili sniffed, holding him back with all her might. Letting that lacy dress like top drop down on the floor behind her, Nikshit rubbed his hand over her smooth back gently.

"Why were you even trying that thing on right now though?" It was already eleven at night, they were supposed to be asleep by now but now it seemed like the sneaky missus had other plans for the night.

"Trying to seduce me, plumpkin?"

Maithili heard the mirth in his voice and said nothing, hiding her face in the middle of his chest and feeling the calloused hands running meekly over her back and lingering over the hooks of her lingerie. To seduce him, she had no idea there was no biggie to it as long as she was in sight.

Nikshit found her appealing even when she looked like a Medusa with her hair open right after waking up or when she was wearing a casually oversized mismatched t-shirt of his and an old worn-out trouser of hers.


Nikshit kissed her on the head one last time once he was done helping braid her hair which has grown even longer than before. Her braid fell down to her hips now, hips that looked alluring in that clearly smaller in size shorts of the lacy top she couldn't fit into just now.

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