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Rakim's POV:

We finally fucking got home, and settled back in. I haven't seen Hannah for a couple hours. We got home, and she went straight to the girl's bedroom.

Me and the niggas were getting lit in the living room when we heard a slam coming from their bedroom. We all jumped up and ran to the door.

Before I could touch the door knob Kiaura opened it, screaming.

I jumped past her and looked around. Hannah was sitting in the middle of the floor with a bunch of empty bottles of vodka. I looked to her right and saw Nicole knocked out face first on the floor.

"What the hell happened?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Hannah's face was completely blank just starring at the wall with tears in her eyes.

I looked straight at Kiaura. "Kiaura what the fuck is going on?"

"I.. I don't know I just got out of the shower and Hannah was laying in my bed. Then out of no where Nicole pulled out a knife!" She shrieked and I suddenly saw the wound on her arm. "Hannah was already drunk when i was getting in the shower."

That's when I heard Hannah whisper my name. I walked over and picked her up like baby.

"Get that bitch outta here! Now!" I screamed pointing at Nicole.

I hurried her into my room, and gently laid her on the bed.

"Haha...ha I thinkkkkk I need a bandaid." She smiled at me.

"Baby you gon need more than a bandaid." I said getting a wet wash cloth and some straight alcohol.

"Rakim before you do that... I just wanna know. Did I kill her?"

"I don't know."

She bit onto my shirt and squeezed my forearm as I poured.

Hannah's POV:

It's a good thing most of my body's numb, cause I don't think I could stay so calm. It defenetly helped to know that it was Rakim doing all the work. Kinda like he's my doctor..... What the fuck? I'm wasted.

"It's over mama."he hovered over me smirking.

"Mmmm. Rakim why do you like me?"

He sat next to me on the bed.

"Why? Cause, you're beautiful in every single way... I ...I don't just mean the looks though, and god damn you always look sexy. But just... I don't know. I like you. How you look. How you dance. How you smell. How you talk. How you smoke. How you were never once, scared of what was going on."

That immediately brought a smile on my face. I would try to kiss him, but I'm too dizzy.

"Kiss me..." I moaned grabbing his neck.

He deeply laughed, and bent down to kiss me back.

I wonder if this is actually gonna work.. We could become that one couple who no one could brake apart. Wait... What the hell am I thinking. Relationships never last.

The next day, the apartment was pretty quiet. Nicole is still alive, just never coming back here. Kiaura's mad at me. Q and Ferg... Well who knows what they're thinking.

I spent my day with some drug deals, and orders, while Rakim went around town picking up supply.

Of course he got done before I did. And of course he was texting me. Rakim was so trippin, I was cracking up.

I got home around 11. As soon as I opened the door he jumped up from the couch and grabbed my ass.

"Haha Rakim gooo."

He held onto my wrists and pulled me between his legs as he sat. He somehow snuck his fingers into the band of my skinny jeans, and slit them off.

"Lemme do it tonight." I stopped his hand from ripping my thong off.

He pulled out his size that still surprised me every time. He laughed when I spit onto his dick and started to suck. Wasn't long until the salty taste filled through my mouth.

Literally all I wanted was to hear his quiet moans through the room. And I did. Eventually we passed out on the lazy boy. This was nice. I liked this. I haven't had a "boyfriend" since like eighth grade.

I always just hooked up with them and left. But I am really starting to like having someone here for me. Someone who actually likes me and wants me. I hope he doesn't get tired of me.

Kiaura's POV:

Ewe. The last person I wanna think about right now is hannah. She got Nicole fucking kicked out! Not cool. I know they had they're problems, but why the hell did she have to get drunk in the middle of the fucking day?

I don't know, but I think Nicole had a thing for Rakim. I mean why else would she try to get rid of Hannah. And it just so happened to be right after Hannah announced hers and Rakim's news.





Vote bitches. I love all my readers and my voters! Make sure to recommend me to other rocky fans! Muah~~

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