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I moaned as I lifted my head from the toilet seat, still gagging.

"Hannah I swear to god! This is the third morning in a row!! Slut! How many times have your dad and I said to use protection or at least make him pull out for fucks sake!"

I got up from my knees and allowed the tears to drip of the tip of my nose and slide off my chin. My mom handed me a warm rag. I rinsed my face off.

"Wha-" I cleared my throat, "what are we gonna do?"

She rolled her eyes "honey more like what are you going to do... It's all your fault so that makes it all your choice."

"Mom." I said almost in a hushed voice, "I'm only fifteen" I began to cry again.

"Well did you tell Chandler?"

"If I do he'll leave me!"

"It's the third day Hannah you have three choices you already know which one I'd pick. There's no more time to stall."

I swallowed quickly.

"I pick three."

Rakim's POV:

"Hannah baby you need to eat."

She twitched and looked up at me.

"Oh uh imma go do my makeup." she got up and ran to the bathroom.

Within seconds I heard the water turn on.

Hannah's POV:

The doors locked. Both the sink and shower are running. I'm in front of the toilet trying to hold it in.

"So um baby I was thinkin, I know you're still kinda upset but uh while we're in Las Vegas I thought I'd be cool to um ya know." Rakim pauses outside of the door. " We should make it official, so we're completely tied down."

Oh my god, oh my god. All at once it comes out. Noo this isn't possible I'm not pregnant it's just the drugs. It's just the drugs Hannah it's just the drugs.

Rakim knocks "baby okay that sounded crazy, but if you think about it.. shit it's like we're already married."

My breathe got heavy.

"We can um talk about it later Rakim yea later.. I don't feel good right now." I said breathlessly ignoring whatever he was trying to tell me.

It finally stopped.

I got up, then allowed myself to drop into the shower floor. Cause standing right now seems almost impossible. I lean back and press down the plug with my toe. steaming water slowly filled the tub.

I turned the water off with my foot, and sunk under the water with my eyes shut.

What if? What if this is actually happening? I'm not waiting three days. It's tonight or never.

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