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Nicole's POV:

Hannah ran to the kitchen, and jumped on to the counter. She grabbed the emergency kit and some water.

"Rakim! Don't close your eyes just watch me." She was on top of him injecting some kind of fluid into his arm.

It wasn't long before Kiaura ran over and bent down next to them.

"What does that shot do?"

"Umm, um it um, it's gonna slow his heart rate down and instead of dying he'll just sleep." Hannah stopped messing inside the kit and sat next to Kiaura.

"Ok, soo what exactly happened?" Kiaura looked at me then back at Hannah.

"No! Where at the rest of them? Where's Ferg?" Holy fuck! This never happens. We always get the job done. It's fucking Hannah. She's distracting Rakim .

"I don't know... He told me to kill Mark and the rest if I had to. And then said that they found him and the boys. Rakim probably told them to run, and they drugged him." She put her head down, "then this was as far as he could get."

"See. As soon as Rakim wakes up I'm telling him that you're not ready for this. I mean you're never gonna be. You're fucking horrible." I blurted out.

"Oh really Nicole. And what did you do tonight? Huh, ah yea I remember, what a big help it was for you to give some forty year old a lap dance."

"Bitch! I've been here way longer than you have. Just because Rakim's fucking you doesn't mean he's gonna keep you here any longer." I squeezed the door frame trying not to attack her.

She got up and walked to the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm not gonna fight with you Nicole. You can hate me all you fucking want. Just because Rakim would prefer me over you, doesn't mean you have to be such a sour bitch." She laid a wet wash cloth on Rakims head and sat on the couch, "I killed who needed to be killed, and if you wanna kill me, kill me."

She's fucking insane.










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