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Hannah's POV:

Rakim pulled me into the room.

"Take a seat." I couldn't even move.

There was a dim light in the room. Yams was over on one of the couches passed out with a girl. All I could see were stacks and stacks of drugs.

"I don't get it." It took me a second to realize the packages. They were the same as Austin's. "Rakim, please tell me you're just addicted to this shit, and this is your life stock."

"No. It's mine. I'm the carrier." I don't know if I should be happy or pissed.


"Don't ask that." He watched me sit on the floor.

"No, answer. That's why you brought me up here isn't it?"

"This was my brother's job." I pointed at the spot in front of me for him to sit. "After he got killed I'm became more serious, and accepting. I decided to take his spot. He was the closest person to me. I don't like to talk about that shit though." He sat in the floor and waited for me to say something.

"So I've been working for you for 2 years, and we just met." He slung his head up.

"Nah, my brother passed last year. You've only work a year for me," He smirked, "I wish I would've met you soona though."

"Haha, well you know me now."

"Ya, I do" he laughed and chugged the patron beside him with a sour face.

I'm not mad. How could I stay mad at his sexy ass? He so perfect.

I slowly crawled across the 2 feet between us. Put my hands on each of his thighs. He smiled and pulled me up to his lap.

"You gon make me a drink or what?" I laughed and he handed me a cup full of purple fizz. "Ohh, I know what's going down tonight."

"Haha, what do you mean by that?" I grabbed ahold of his neck and waist.

"I meann, you want me a certain way, so you can get a certain something. Anddd this drink is definitely gon help." He smiled. I went to take another sip and he lifted the bottom of my cup until it was empty.

I'm numb.

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