Are you serious?

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"Are you serious?" My voice cracks. I couldn't even..I didn't even- everything was racing through my mind. Rapmon had gotten up "I'm going to use the restroom" he said, leaving quickly as if he'd been waiting forever to get away. I put my face in my hands crying. "I don't want to- I can't just do something like that. I can't do this-" I started to stand, only for him to grip my wrist, stopping me. "It's alright." He says, staring me in the eyes. I shook my head slightly, looking away. "You don't care." I concluded.
"You don't understand." I said. "I do very much. It-" he couldn't find the right words, considering his small English vocabulary. "I need you to try to understand." He stutters, some how piecing the words together in a decent sentence. He sounded so cute speaking English. It was as if his voice became higher, in unsureness. Like he questioned himself almost every time he spoke outside of his language. In Korean he spoke deeply, naturally with a careless kind of confidence. He didn't question his words, he'd say what he meant, and meant what he said. "I don't think you do." He sighs, not completely understanding what I said. His eyes landed on my stomach. I wasn't exactly showing, but if you placed a hand on my stomach, you could feel the slightest difference. The way my belly seemed bloated, or stiffened, you could tell the difference. Without a word, he placed a hand on my stomach, beneath the shirt, his thumb brushing across my skin. His face seemed to have softened. He was a bit more calm, and finally without looking at me says, "Never mind." In a soft tone. "Hm?" I asked. "We...will keep-" "The baby? You want to keep it?" I was stunned, to be honest. He didn't understand what I had said, but he knew what the word "baby" meant. So he cocked his head to the side, just a little unsure. Then he nodded, with an uncertain look. I looked at him so surprised and just hugged him. I was so happy that he didn't try and talk me into doing something like this to my body, something that I was uncomfortable with. I think the hug took him back, he was completely stiffened for a moment, but relaxed and hugged me back. "Thank you so much-" "Um?" I looked up at Rapmon as we parted ways. He was confused. "He wants to keep it." I say and he immediately looked at Yoongi like there was maybe a mistranslation. "I want to keep it.." he says. Rapmon raises a brow. "Are you sure?" He asked and Suga nodded his head. Rapmon nodded slowly, in deep thought. "We have to tell them." Rapmon says. "Who?" Suga asks. "Big Hit, management and the guys." "Okay, I plan on telling the guys soon, but not the label. Not yet. They'll try to get rid of it if they find out she's not that far. Maybe in 4-5 months." Suga replied. "She'll be close to labor then." "Exactly and they won't be able to find anyway to have an abortion or miscarriage. Only way would be adoption and they can't force her to sign papers." He explained. "That's your plan?" Rapmon raises a brow as if Suga was being absurd. "Yes...It'll be fine. I just...I have to figure it all out. Could you tell her?" Rapmon turns to me. "He wants to try and keep it secret up until you're 8 months. Of course it'll be obvious on your part that you're pregnant, but he wants to try and make sure that you don't mention that he is the father. Just to avoid management trying to get rid of it. Okay?" I nodded. I completely understood. I wasn't even ready to tell my management either. Of course I could comply. I nod and agree.

We exchanged numbers and Rapmon said he'd help us out with communicating and would start teaching Suga some more English. I also asked to learn some slight Korean too. We'd both have to be 50/50 in this situation. I didn't know how this would end, but I was hoping it would all be okay.

But nothing is ever just all okay.

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