Part 6

725 43 40

Trigger warning for slight transphobia

Mikey had gotten maybe an hour of sleep last night. Probably less then that. Pete had given her his kik and they had stayed up talking all night. And now Mikey could hardly keep her eyes open as she "listened" to the teacher drone on about some book they had to read about manhood. Ew. 
She didn't understand why they even had to read it. The class was about 60% female and the guys in the class couldn't care less about reading or ''manhood."

Mikey only really heard certain parts from what the teacher was saying. She was pretty sure they were talking about how manhood is portrayed nowadays. Now they were just talking about the most stereotypical men they could think of.

But the conversation did catch Mikey's attention when the class started discussing the "other form of manhood" which is basically talking about feminine guys who like to wear dresses and make up.

"Wait, you mean guys actually do that?" One of the boys asked like it was the most horrible thing ever.

Mikey rolled her eyes and tried to block out any further comments from the group of boys that for some reason was right next to her.

"Can anyone think of any examples of this in contemporary society?" The teacher asked as if people would actually respond to him.

Mikey could think of a few examples but it's not like she'd ever raise her hand.

Like Mikey predicted the room was silent. The teacher just looked at the students expectantly. After a minute of silence he finally gave up and answered the question for them.
"Okay so, this might be taking it to the extreme, but what about transgenders?"

And with that Mikey almost stormed out of the classroom. She knew exactly where this conversation was going. The boys in this class would never miss out on an opportunity to bash on transgender people, especially transwomen.

"I have a picture for this one, too, as an example," the teacher announced as he clicked a few buttons on the keyboard so a picture showed up on the white board. It was one of those before and after photos of a drag queen. One half of the face was the male face and the other half was covered perfectly in make up with an excellent hair style. If only I had that make up skill, Mikey thought.

Of course the room was now filled with comments about how "disgusting" the person was. Mikey tried not to think too much into them. She thought that the person was extremely pretty. If only she could be that pretty...

"Could you change that picture? It's freaking me out," one of the boys told the teacher.
People actually laughed in agreement to that statement.

Mikey was debating between bashing her head against the wall or throwing her desk at that boy. Yet she kept her chill and just sat there, fuming with anger. How could anyone be so stupid and hateful? And no one was stopping this kid. No one thought that there might be someone in the room who could be affected by those words.

Mikey just stopped caring and pulled out her phone. The school allowed students to use their phones during class so it wasn't a big deal. However, Mikey did try to use her phone as little as possible. She had to focus on school if she ever wanted to go to college and get away from the transphobia that had infested her town. But at this point she could care less. She was passing English with flying colors, anyway.

Mikey did the only thing she could think of, kik Pete. He was really the only one she had to talk to. It wasn't like she had a lot of friends. Well she had one friend named Ray but he wouldn't text her during class.

Beside, she really liked talking to Pete. She actually felt like herself when they talked. He treated her like the woman she was. No one beside Gerard had ever done that.

Way Bae:


It took about 2 seconds for Pete to respond. Mikey was impressed.

What aWentz:

What aWentz:
Wait, you told me you weren't allowed to text during school

What aWentz:
Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Damn, how fast could this kid type? It was almost scary.

Way Bae:
Well we're allowed to, I just don't text because
A) no one likes me enough to talk to me
B) gotta pay attention to get good grades so I can leave this hell hole

What aWentz:
My school doesn't let us text during class. Yet here I am,

Way Bae:
Woooooooooooow you're such a rebel

What aWentz:
I know,  I know. Gotta maintain my bad boy credit.

What aWentz:
Wait, what am I supposed to save you from?

Way Bae:
My stupid school. Everyone's so transphobic. It's fucking awful.

What aWentz:

Way Bae:
Yeah they're all super tall and probably super strong. They'd probably win...

What aWentz:
True true. I am nothing but a smol meme.

What aWentz:
But I will fight them if they're being jerks to you.

Way Bae:
Aweee thanks, fam. But they aren't being mean to me. I'm still in the closet.

What aWentz:
Ew. The closet sucks. But it's probably smart considering the people at your school...

Way Bae:
Eh whatever. I only have to deal with them for a year or two.

What aWentz:
Still not cool.

Way Bae:
Yeah. But at least now I have someone cool to spend it with

Mikey regretted that message as soon as she pressed send.


That cheater took longer then it should have. Sorry!!

But yeah you should tell me what you think about it. Id appreciate it!

Thanks for reading!

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