Part 14

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Mikey actually sent Pete a selfie.
But Mikey had only sent it to Pete to show him how 'bad' it was. Pete had to agree it wasn't the greatest haircut. The person who cut it wasn't that great at their job. But despite having "boy hair," as Mikey called it, Pete still found her really beautiful.

But Mikey was still extremely upset. Pete couldn't blame her. He just wished he could do something to help but the moment all he could do was listen to her vent.

Way Bae:
It's not like I was attractive before but now it's just 10 times worse.
Sorry I must be really annoying right now. I can stop

What aWentz:
Its okay. I know that your really upset and I'd rather have you vent to me then to just keep it bottled up inside.

Way Bae:
You're too nice to me. Anyway, yeah, it looks really bad.
I doubt I'll ever pass now. I'm not attractive at all.

What aWentz:
That's a lie. You're really pretty.

Way Bae:
Nope. I attract no one

What aWentz:
Not true! You attracted me and I'm still a someone

Way Bae:
Well the important thing is that it's going to be almost impossible to pass now.

What aWentz:
I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that shit.

Way Bae:
Yeah but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

Way Bae:
Wait, are we going to ignore the fact you just said that you found me attractive.

What aWentz:
O.O what?? that's not what I meant ahhh

What aWentz:
But I mean it's not like I'm saying that's not true or whatever

What aWentz:

Way Bae:
Wtf is happening

What aWentz:
I mean like your pretty and all that stuff and I like you lot but um...

Way Bae:
What are you trying to say?

What aWentz:
It's nothing. Just pretend I didn't say anything.

Way Bae:
Nope. Not happening. What did you mean?

What aWentz:
But then shit's gonna get super awkward

Way Bae:
Awkward is my middle name. Lay it on me.

What aWentz:
Fine. Just don't get mad, okay?

What aWentz:
I don't know. It's just that I kind of like you? Like a lot.

Pete stared at that text for a few minutes, deciding if he actually wanted to send it. That text would change everything and with Pete's luck it'd probably be for the worst. Mikey would get weirded out and stop talking to him. What would he do then?

He sent it anyway.

Way Bae:
Well why didn't you just say something before? I kinda like you a lot too

Pete almost screamed.

What aWentz:
What does this mean?

Way Bae:
Don't ask me. I've never gotten this far.

What aWentz:
So do you wanna be my girlfriend or something

Way Bae:
I'd be honored to <3

Not sure how I feel about this. Was it too soon? Idk.
Ugh. My dysphoria's terrible. Just thought you should know that.
I'm excited for the next few chapters, man.

But anyway thanks for reading!!

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