Part 12

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Pete didn't know how the he had made it through a whole day without texting Mikey. Well, he had texted her twice but she didn't fucking respond.

At least he was allowed to have his phone back in the car ride home.

What a Wentz:
Hey, Mikey!!
I'm back!!

What aWentz:
I've been waiting all day to text you and now you don't respond. #cold

Way Bae:
Hi! Sorry. I was just trying to improve my make up skills and failed miserably.

What aWentz:
I bet your make up game is on point. I won't believe it till I see it.

Way Bae:

What aWentz:
Why not?? You never send me selfies!

Way Bae:
that's becuz I don't want to blind you

What aWentz:
I'll send you a selfie if you send me one.

Way Bae:
Ugh. Fine.

What aWentz:
Yay! I knew you couldn't resist that offer.

Way Bae:
Yeah, yeah

Way Bae:
Hold on I have to take a good one. I may take a while.

Way Bae:
I'm too tired to continue trying. Here's one that I don't look that awful in.

Mikey was a fucking liar because she looked absolutely gorgeous to Pete.
So what her make up wasn't perfect but Pete still thought she was so cute.


Pete screenshoted it without any shame. How could she think that she wasn't good looking? Yeah, Pete was reminded of her dysphoria and how she wasn't out so it was probably hard to see herself as a girl. It was a shame. He really wished he could do something to help her.

What aWentz:
Wtf you're so pretty

Way Bae:
Thanks but no.
I look like a Drag Race reject.

What aWentz:
Stop it. You're really pretty.

Way Bae:
You're being too nice.

But your turn now. You have to send me a selfie now.

Classic Mikey, always trying to prevent a deep conversation about herself.

Pete was torn. He wanted to send Mikey a good selfie. He didn't want Mikey to think that he was ugly. He wanted to Mikey to see a cool, attractive guy.

But that was just the problem.

He didn't want to even risk upsetting Mikey. Pete felt like Mikey was extremely jealous of him in a way. He was in a accepting environment where no one questioned his validity but Pete himself. Plus, he passed. Mikey said that she had neither of those. If he sent her a good selfie then she might be reminded of that.

So he decided to send her the worst picture he had.

He went through all the selfies he taken that day but couldn't figure which one to use. So he decided to wake up the sleeping Patrick sleeping next to him and ask for their advice.

Too Cold to Shiver (Trans Petekey)Where stories live. Discover now