Part 11

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Mikey was just sitting on her porch waiting for Gerard to show up. That's how bored she was. She had nothing to do since she couldn't text Pete. Fuck, she missed the little guy.
She didn't understand why his friends decided to take away his phone. It just didn't make sense.

So now Mikey was stuck just staring at the road, waiting for Gerard's sorry excuse for a car. To pull into the driveway. The poor thing was being held together by duck tape.

When she saw the car she jumped up
ran to go greet her brother.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite sibling!" Gerard exclaimed as he got out of his car.

"Gee!" Mikey yelled, running over to her brother and hugging him.

"Hey, kid! God, I missed you," Gerard told Mikey as he hugged her back.

Gerard broke away from the hug and reached back into the car. He pulled out a big, white bag and a cup of coffee.
"Are mom and dad here? I don't see their car."

"No, they went to the store. They should be back soon," Mikey replied.

"Cool. Sibling bonding time," Gerard stated.

They walked inside and settled down on the living room couches.

Gerard set his bag down on the table and started looking through it.

"Since mom and dad aren't here I can give you your present!"

"Present?" Mikey asked curiously.

Gerard finally pulled out a black box and handed it to Mikey who took it skeptically. She opened it and it filled with make up. Good make up.

"My friend, LynZ, works at Hot Topic and they were going to get rid of it so I saved it for you," Gerard explained. "Do you like it?" Gerard asked, suddenly nervous.

"Oh my god, yes! Thank you thank you thank you!" Mikey beamed, as she set the box down to hug her brother.

"Anything for my favorite little sister," Gerard hugged her back.

It was almost weird when Gerard called her that. It almost felt like he wasn't talking about Mikey. She had been called a boy for so long she sometimes began to believe it. She was so glad that Gerard was so accepting. He really was the best big brother ever.

"I'm your only little sister," Mikey replied. 

"Yeah which makes you my favorite," Gerard answered.

Mikey just rolled her eye and smiled at her brother.

"Dump out the box. I wanna see what's in it," Gerard stated as he pulled away from the hug.

"You haven't look in it yet?" Mikey asked.

"Nah. I'm too lazy for that."

Mikey shook her head as she carefully took out everything inside the box. There was black eyeliner, mascara, two different shades of lipstick (dark red and purple), blush, and even black nail polish.

"Oh yeah, and LynZ also gave me some make up remover so you don't damage your face or whatever," Gerard stated as he began searching through the bag.
He pulled out a bottle with a clear, somewhat bubbly liquid which Mikey eagerly accepted.

Mikey was definitely going to have to experiment with it later. 

"I should put this in my so mom and dad don't see it when they get back," Mikey said.

"Good point," Gerard agreed.

"I'll be right back," she told him before running up the stairs.

She needed a good hiding spot for it, somewhere her parents would never think to look.

She put the little box inside of a bigger box and just threw it in the corner of her closet. She'd have to find a better hiding place for it later.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. They just talked about how art school was and about Gerard's new cat, Mitch (even though Gerard was fucking allergic to cats. Mrs. Way didn't even try to cover up how hard she was judging him for that one).

Mikey just left her phone in her room the whole time because she knew that no one would text her. But of course, after Gerard left, Mikey went upstairs to see that Pete actually did text her. Twice.

Mikey sent him an apology for not responding but she didn't expect it to be read anytime soon. At least it would give her time to experiment with the make up.

It was late and her parents were going to bed so she wouldn't have to worry about being found.


Hurray! New chapter. Fuck, I really like this story. I wish I could write it better. I feel like my writing is really hard to understand and super annoying to read. Sorry.

But thank you for reading it!

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