Part 17

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Mikey was never the one who got in trouble, it was always Gerard. Mikey was a lot better at hiding the bad things from her parents. It was always Gerard who Mikey's parents were screaming at while Mikey tried to block it out.

But of course there was a first for everything.

Mikey was trapped in her room, head resting on a tear stained pillow. She wanted to text Pete and tell him that something bad was happening but he wasn't texting her. The only time he didn't text her was when he actually was asleep and Mikey didn't want to wake up.

She was just trying to find a way to ignore all the screaming downstairs. That was nearly impossible in a house that was 0% soundproof. Mikey could hear everything that was happening downstairs, if she let herself listen. The best way to drown it out the music was blasting music until it hurt her ears.

Mikey was cursing herself.
How had she been so careless?
She had just left her make up sitting on the fucking bathroom sink. It should have been fine considering Mikey's parents literally never went upstairs until that fucking day.

They were just yelling at Mikey but Mr. Way was getting way too upset and told his daughter to go upstairs and wait before he did something he might regret later.

She felt pounding on the door that fucking echoed into her soul. Mikey believed that if Mrs. Way hit the door any harder it'd just cave in.

Mrs. Way threw the door open, screaming something Mikey couldn't hear because of the headphones. She quickly took them out.

"Give me your phone," she demanded, holding out her hand.

Mikey unplugged the chord and timidly handed it to her mother who snatched it away.

"Now go downstairs," she commanded harshly.

Mikey followed her gently down the stairs and into the kitchen. She sat down at the table across from her parents. Her eyes hadn't left the floor. She couldn't look them in the eye.

"So, I'm very interested in my you decided it'd be a good idea to wear make up," Mr. Way stated.

"Is it a gender thing?" Mrs. Way snapped. "Do you think that you're a girl?"

Mikey didn't say anything. Talking would never change their minds. They would assume it anyway.

Mikey's mother gasped dramatically.

"Michael?" Mr. Way asked.

Mikey felt tears form in her eyes but he wasn't the only one. Mrs. Way was making a big show of the tears falling from her eyes. It didn't help that she kept muttering things like "what did I do wrong?" And "I failed as a parent."

Mikey's father took a different approach, of course.

"What made you decide to be a freak?" voice dripping with disgust.

"Your father's right. It's not natural," Mrs. Way added.

If they knew anything about science they'd know how wrong that was. But
Mikey couldn't find it in her to respond. Why should she? It'd only make matters worse.

By now the tear had began to drip into the table. Mikey just tried to focus on wiping them away, hoping that would do something.

Her parents shouted a number profanities that Mikey tried to block out.

Just when she thought things couldn't get worse Mikey's phone buzzed.
Fuck Pete. He always came at the worst times.

They didn't notice it, thankfully. But it kept buzzing and it was almost impossible not to ignore it by now.

"Who's texting you?" Mrs. Way asked. It was a rhetorical question. She was going to check it anyway.

"Who is this Pete kid?" She asked.

I've just realized that this story is the therapy my mom won't take me to get. I always just write it when I'm upset/dysphoric and its good because I don't think about myself and get sad about that.

thanks for reading! Sorry that all these chapters are just cut off at the end. Tbh it's cuz these chapters aren't really fun to write, if you know what I mean.

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