Part 13

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"Hey, mom," Mikey knocked on her mother's door,  faking her best sick voice. "I'm kinda sick. I don't think I'm going to be able to go to church today."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Way asked behind the closed door.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up or something. I need to stay home," she explained.

"Alright. You better not be faking it," she warned.

That was a lot easier then Mikey expected. She thought her mom was going to check if she was lying. Nice. Now she got to stay home and talk to Pete longer! Yeah they planned the call for 1 but if it wasn't doing anything sooner they could talk longer!

"I hope whatever your sick with goes away soon. After church I'm taking you to get your hair cut," Mrs. Way informed.

"What? Why?" Mikey asked.

"Because your hair is getting too long. Your going to end up looking like a girl."

Mikey almost forgot Church got out at 12 and if she was going to get her fucking hair cut she wouldn't be able to talk to Pete.
Mikey felt tears come to her eyes but they had nothing to do with Pete.
Onxee again, it was because she was reminded of the environment she actually lived in. Why did things like that keep happening?

Mikey didn't reply. She just went back upstairs to tell Pete the call was off.

Way Bae:
Hey I'm really really sorry but I can't do the call today. My mom's making me get a haircut at 1. Sorry.

He WENTZ away:
Awh fuck! That sucks!
How are you taking it?

Way Bae:
Not very well.
I already don't pass and now my mom's probably going to make me get a buzzcut or something drastic.

He WENTZ away:
It doesn't matter what haircut they give you. You'll still be the same beautiful girl.

Way Bae:
You're too nice to me

He WENTZ away:
If anything, I'm not nice enough.

Way Bae:
What are you talking about?

He WENTZ away:
Everyone you know is so transphobic it's not fair. You don't deserve to be there. They don't deserve u.

Way Bae:
It's not a big deal. I'm used to it.

He WENTZ away:
But you shouldn't have to be used to it.

He WENTZ away:
That's it. I'm your dad now.

Way Bae:
Wtf XD

He WENTZ away:
I'm your new dad. I've come to replace your old one cuz he's mean.

Way Bae:
Okay, daddy

He WENTZ away:

He WENTZ away:
Wait it's Sunday. Shouldn't you be at church?

Way Bae:
I'm "sick" so I get to stay home and cry

He WENTZ away:
What?? Don't cry!

Way Bae:

He WENTZ away:
Don't just 'eh' me. What's up? Why at you going to cry?

Way Bae:
Usual Dysphoria. It's been happening way to much lately.

He WENTZ away:
Is there something I could do to help?

Way Bae:
You already do so much. Your the only person I know (beside Gerard but he doesn't count) who actually sees me as a girl and that's really cool

The next two hours basically consisted of Pete trying to help Mikey and only slightly succeeded. Mikey was just dreading the moment when he parents would get home from church. She didn't want her hair cut. It was just starting to cooperate. Mikey didn't want to look like a boy again.

But her mom came home soon enough and he had to go out to the car.

"You ready to go?" Donna smiled at her.

Mikey just shrugged. "I guess," she mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Donna asked, with concern.

"I just..."Mikey wasn't sure if this was the conversation she wanted to start. "I like my hair. The barber always messes it up and makes it look weird."
She threw in that last part to make it more acceptable.

"That won't be a problem. I'm taking you to the place where I get my hair cut because your hair needs professional help," Mrs. Way joked.

Mikey lit up. She was going to a salon just like other girls did! Maybe she could actually get it in a girl's style or at least something that could pass! It was extremely unlikely but Mikey liked to dream.

Of course when they got there the first thing Mrs. Way told the hairdresser was that Mikey could keep the longer hair but still had to look like a boy. Mikey didn't even tried to hide how miserable it made her.

The haircut went about how she'd expected. She hadn't gotten it cut crazy short but it was still short. Mikey didn't want it short. She wanted long, flowing hair. No one could mistake her as a boy if she had that. Mikey just kept reminding herself that one day she'd get it. That'd probably be 10 years later but it's happen. She just had to be patient.


Hurray. New chapter!
These next few chapters are going to be intense so strap in. I have no idea what's going to happen after that. I'll think about it some more, though idk.

Thank you for reading!

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