Sleepover - 02

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Jimin's ( POV )
After eating dinner we go all upstairs and go to Clare's room. "Hmm what do you want to do??" I asked while scratching my head. "Watch some movies?" Clare said. "Ah what kind of movie??" I asked while Clare is looking at me. "I dont know.....ask Kanra" Clare said while looking at me.

I walked up to kanra and asked what we'll watch for this night. "Ahh....Kanra what we'll watch for this night?" I asked Kanra while I'm looking at Clare. "Hmm...some Romance?" Kanra said while using her phone. "Ahh okay I'll ask Clare" I said.

Then after that i walked up to Clare and tell what we'll watch. "Kanra said we'll watch some Romance, Do you agree??" I said to Clare while she was using her phone. "Sure, I haven't watched romance though" Clare agreed while I'm looking at her. "Oh its okay, You'll watch tonight some Romance" I said to Clare. "Oh Okay then, I don't want to fall asleep

again, It's really embarrassing" Clare said to me while she is using her phone. "Ah it's okay I will see you sleeping this night" I said to Clare. "What??" Clare was confused. "Because I'm beside at you while you're sleeping" I said to Clare while I was looking at her.

"A-Ah yeah" Clare blushed. "Something wrong Clare?" I'm curious. "O-Oh N-Nothing I just blushed" Clare said to me while she's blushing. "'s okay Honey" I said while having an eye contact with Clare. She looked at me and blushing like a tomato and embarrassed. "W-What D-Did Y-You call to me??" Clare asked shyly. "I called you Honey, What's

wrong with that?" I said while looking at her. "Oh nothing Honey" Clare laughed at me. "Aww Honey you're cute while laughing. "You too Honey" Clare laughed at me while i was looking at her patiently.

Kanra's ( POV )
"Look!! Kaitlyn and Erika!!" I said while looking at appa and eomma. "What??" They said while using their phones. "Look at Eomma and Appa!!" I said. "YYIIEEE" Kaitlyn squeled and jumped at Clare's couch. "Hey! Kaitlyn stop jumping at my couch please??" Clare begged. "Okay eomma sorry" Kaitlyn squeled.

"Can i ask eomma?" I asked Kaitlyn. "Sure, But why?" Kaitlyn said while she's texting someone. "I wanna have a overnight here" I said. "Okay!! Okay!!! Ask eomma!!" Kaitlyn yelled. "Okay!! Chill" I said. I stand up and walk up to Clare. "Uhm..Eomma" I said to her while she's smiling and talking to Jimin. "Uhm... Yes??" Clare said.

"Can i have a overnight here?? At your house?" I asked shyly. "Hmm.... What do you think Jimin?" Clare asked Jimin. "Hmm... Yes Honey" Jimin laughed. "I said as a Yes 💛💛👍" Clare said while she's laughing. "Ah thank you!" I said. "You can stay at Kaitlyn's room" Jimin said while he's looking at eomma. "AAYYIIEEE why are you looking at eomma?"

I said while He's looking at Clare. "Nothing, she is so beautiful" He said while he's looking at Clare. "okay i need to go there" I said. "Okay" Clare said while using her phone.

I stand up and walk to Kaitlyn. "What did she say?" Kaitlyn asked me. "She said yes, and imma stay at your room!" I said. "Yayy" Kaitlyn yelled.

~movie time~

Clare's ( POV )
I really haven't watched some Romance movies, Now I'm watching some now. I wished i don't want to fall asleep cause i want to watch a Romantic movie. "Guys, Are you ready to watch some Romantic movies?" Kanra said. "Yes i do" Jimin said while looking at me. "Ah yes" I said while I'm staring at Jimin. "Uhm Honey something wrong?" Jimin asked. "

"Nothing...why are you looking at me like that?" I said. "Oh nothing" Jimin said. "Oh okay then" I said. While we are watching the movie Jimin fell asleep and fall in my lap. I looked at him and he's really like a peaceful kid.

~end of the movie~

"Okay I'm done I'm really sleepy as hell" Kanra said. "Okay it's already 12:00 a.m you all girls need to sleep" I said. "What?? Your not sleeping eomma??" Kaitlyn asked. "Not yet cause I'm going to clean your mess and put Jimin at my Bed" I said. "Ah okay" Erika said. "Okay all of you go out, go to your rooms" I said while trying to carry Jimin.

They all got out in my room and locked my room. I'm really trying to carry Jimin but he's too heavy. Finally when i carried Jimin i walk straight at my bed and put him down quickly. I looked at him and he's sleeping peacefully. After looking at him i started to get the mess at the couch and someone grab my arm.

I turn around and it was Jimin. "H-Hey what, There's something Wrong??" I asked while he's grabbing my arm. "oh nothing i just wanted you beside me" Jimin said. "Wait im going to pick the mess at my couch" I said. "Okay I'll wait for you here, I'm not going to sleep if you're not here beside me" Jimin said while laying down. "Okay then" I said.

I walk straight at the couch and pick the mess up and trow at the trash can. After that i walk straight at my bed and lay down. "Honey" Jimin said to me while I'm facing on the wall. I turned around to Jimin. And then Jimin quickly kiss me.
I push away his face. "W-What Honey??" I said. "I just wanted to tell you that i love you very much" Jimin smiled at me.

"I love you too very much Honey" I smiled back. "Let's just go to sleep Honey" I said. "I don't want yet Honey" Jimin said while scratching his head. "Then what do you want to do??" I asked. "I want to Kiss you" Jimin said. He quickly kiss me gently. And i kissed back gently. "Wow Honey, you tasted like my favorite fruit" Jimin laughed.

"Whatever let's just go to sleep" I said while he's looking at me. "Okay" Jimin said. I stand up and turned off the light and layed down. "Goodnight Honey, I love you very much" Jimin then kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Honey, I love you too" I said. Then he put his arms in my waist.

~to be continued~

A/N: hey MynameisKanra-chan and Miss_ParkMinhae i know you want to read this :)

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