Spencer Reid (oneshot)

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We had been in Texas on a case of prostitutes being murdered. We had finally cracked it down to someone setting up the preacher/pimp. After tracking him to the restaurant, there we were. We stood in the clear of the parking lot. That's when loud bangs went off. The preacher was shooting at us through the window.


I fell to the ground and ducked behind one of the open police car doors. The next thing I know, a body falls beside me. "SPENCER!"

Morgan was dragging him away from the range of open fire. I immediately rushed to his side. "Morgan, go. I can handle this."

He gave a knowing look and returned to the situation at hand. I searched for the wound, which happened to be on his neck. I wrapped my hand around his neck, trying to stop the blood. "Listen to me, you're gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay," I cooed, rubbing his cheek gently. "Stay with me, honey. Stay awake, okay?" His head tossed around violently as he fought to keep consciousness. His eyes rolled around under his weak eyelids.

"Help! We need a medic!" Alex yelled. She tried to help me keep him awake and stop the blood.

"Ethan, stay with us!" she commented. My head swam with worry and then confusion. Who was Ethan? There was no time for those thoughts right now though. Morgan and J.J. followed the preacher and Spencer's eyes rolled to his right before he lost consciousness.

We sat in the waiting room in the hospital. I was on the edge of my seat, nearly biting every inch of skin there was on my lips. "Hey, he's gonna be okay," Morgan said with a comforting smile and pulling me into a hug. I let a few tears fall as I snuggled deeper into the strong man's embrace.

"But, what if he doesn't make it? I'll never get to tell him how much I loved him," I cried out. Morgan's arms seemed to grow tighter, it made me feel more secure and safe than I ever had. His scented calmed me as well. Garcia and J.J. had shown up by now and apparently they heard me.

"Aw, sweetie. Spencer is too strong to die. We all know that. You just have to be strong right now," said Garcia, circling a few fingers on my back.

A nurse came in. "He's out of surgery and you can go see him now." I nearly fell to the ground at those words. My knees grew weak and my heart was pounding. I needed to see him, to be there for him.

Without a second thought, I ran to his room, not caring that we were in a hospital or that the others would want to see him too. He was my life and I needed him more than ever, even if he was just asleep right now. I opened the door hesitantly and stepped in. He was sound asleep with bandages around his neck and upper body.

I sat beside him and did my best to wipe my stray tears. Garcia appeared with Doctor Who figurines, setting them on the table just above him. "I want him to smile at the first thing he sees," she said quietly with a smile.

"Penelope.. I love you. You're so caring and kind and attentive. You know exactly what someone needs when they need it. I appreciate it."

She looked at me through soft eyes from the other side of Reid. Her heart swole at the fact that I had noticed these things. No one had ever really thanked her for being well.. HER.

"Aww, you're just saying that."

"No, I'm serious. You know that his favorite things are books, Doctor Who and Jell-O. You know that my favorite things are Spence, Harry Potter, the Hobbit, and Chinese food. You pay attention to these things. The small things that no one usually notices. You're so beautiful and kind. Just.. thank you."

She had made her way quietly around the bed to hug me. "Oh, honey.." she whimpered, wiping the few built up tears I had caused. She then walked away and left the two of us in silence.

He looked so peaceful as he lay there. The carotid artery was only 2mm away from being hit. And I thank god for that 2mm. I took his hand in mine just to feel like I had some sort of control of the situation. It helped me feel like I could somehow make things better. Within a little while he woke up. Just as Garcia predicted, he smiled.

"Hey, (Y/n)," he muttered, straining the muscles in his neck.

"Shh.. You don't have to talk if it hurts too much."

He smiled even more as he looked down at our hands. He felt calmed by my thumb gently gliding back and forth across his hand. There was a little squeeze. He had done it to assure himself that it was actually real. I was, in fact, holding his hand.

Tears had started forming again. "Please, don't cry," he said in a soothing voice.

"I'm trying, Spence," I giggled a bit.

It had been a long plane ride home. Spencer was quiet after we discussed a bit more of the the case's aftermath. I tried to make him feel as best as I could but I couldn't think of anything other than holding his hand. We had arrived back in Quantico real late.

"Spence, I wouldn't feel right knowing you're alone. I know you can protect yourself, but just this once, please?"

"My door's always open for you, you know that," he smiled. I returned the expression and put our things in the back of the taxi. Alex had decided to come with us, I guess to talk to Spencer before leaving.

Once we were upstairs, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for bed. I heard bits and pieces of their conversation as I was getting dressed in pajama pants and a Doctor Who T-shirt.

"Who is Ethan?"

"My son. He would've been a lot like you," she said.

I saw Reid's smile as she closed his apartment door, leaving us alone. He walked over to the window, watching her with a gleam in his eye. It made me happy to see him like that after such a stressful and eventful case. 

"Hey, Spence," I said softly.

"Oh, hey. I didn't realize you were out yet."

"She's really sweet, y'know? It's sad that her son died. She didn't deserve it."

He nodded as slightly as he noticeably could. We sat in the kitchen for a while and ate some leftover Chinese food he had ordered.

"Well, I think we should probably get some sleep. We still have jobs tomorrow," he sighed and finished his food.

"You're right. Is there a blanket and a pillow I could use?" He pointed to a closet in reply to which I opened and took what I needed. Spencer walked to his bedroom and got ready for bed. I had gotten comfy on the couch but I couldn't seem to fall asleep. It had been two hours since I laid down. I had dozed off for a little but I was startled by nightmares.

Without thinking, I pushed open Spencer's door to find him sitting wide awake on his bed. "Spence?"

"You can't sleep either, huh?"

"Yeah, nightmares. Could I possibly... sleep with you?"

When he nodded, I slowly made my way under the covers. His left arm slid under me and pulled me close. As unexpected as it was, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I turned on my side, wrapping my arm around him and placing my head on his chest. I almost instantly smiled and started falling asleep.

Spencer had pulled out his cell phone and snapped a picture of me as I slept right there. "Finally," he sighed, held me a little tighter and fell asleep.

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