Sanji (oneshot)

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I had been living on this restaurant at sea since the owner found me being tossed about the waves.

"Here, you're on the verge of starvation and dehydration. Sanji! Bring her some soup!" The old man called.

"Hai!!" The little boy replied. He quickly returned with a bowl of soup, some other vegetables and water.

After that, the man with the funny mustache rushed me away. I hardly ever got to see any of the cooks or the boy. I was locked in a room for most of my existence there. I was brought delicious meals every time of the day and Zeff even taught me how to cook.

I was finally 17. Zeff said 17 and I would be allowed out into the restaurant and the actual kitchen. I started to make really good friends with the boy who brought me food when I first washed up.

On his off time, he would order either Patty or Carne to open the fin so we could dance. Zeff admired our friendship from afar. Sanji would spin me around and then swoop me down like one of those princesses or something.

He was always there if I needed to talk about something, not that there was ever anything really interesting to talk about. Our conversations always led to talking about our past, when we were little kids.

"That must've been awful being stranded there for that long," I commented.

"He gave me all of the food there was, yet I thought he got the most because he had a huge bag. I finally forced myself to steal some food from him, but.. it was just treasure."

"Well, if I had seen small Sanji I would've cuddled him to death. You were so adorable back then!" I giggle.

Sanji gave me a caring look and sighed. He had never felt so comfortable around a girl. We kept talking for a year or two, then something happened that changed our lives. A straw hat boy appeared and asked us to join his crew. Then followed a horrible string of events. First, Lieutenant Fullbody caused problems with Sanji, then his prisoner escaped. Sanji and I gave the prisoner food but he left and told his captain Don Kreig about it. Then Don Kreig appeared. A guy named Pearl had just stepped out of the water.

"I've never lost a single drop of blood in battle," the strange man boasted.

The fight was getting intense but Zeff made me stay back.

"PEARL CROSS!!!" Pearl yelled and he bashed Sanji's head between two huge sheilds.

"SANJI!!!" I screamed, trying to break free from the kitchen staff's hold. "SANJI!!!!" I was sobbing uncontrollably. I broke free and I rushed to his side.

"S-s-s-Sanji-san..." I muttered while holding him close.

"You think that hurt me?" he said in a raspy voice. "No chance in hell."


"Go back, (Y/n). This isn't a place for a flower like you. I don't want you getting trampled by brutes like these." Sanji looked up, his gaze was soft and kind. He placed his hand on the side of cheek and wiped away my tears.

"Okay," I whispered and kissed his cheek before I ran back into the restaurant. There was no way in hell I could disobey Sanji, but there was also no way I would be able to watch him getting beaten without throwing myself in the mix. And if I did that, I'd be killed.

I remain upstairs in what's left of my room, watching the battle. Gin has finally stepped up and he's about to battle... Sanji. He starts swinging these weapons that have huge metal balls on the end of them. And he hits Sanji two or three times. But the last time Sanji evades his attack. But out of nowhere, one of them strikes Sanji's back.

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