Portgas D. Ace (oneshot)

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I didn't know much other than the fact that he liked me. Everyone else in the crew disowned me. But he spent time with me. He talked to me and ate with me. He told me stories just to get me to smile.

And it worked every time, it did.

Portgas D. Ace was no expert in the world of relationships. Sure, he had the looks and the body. But what he wanted most wasn't something he could provide for himself. It required another. In his mind, it required me.

"Oi! Roshunai! Come help me lift this barrel," he shouted, bringing my attention away from the book in my hand.

"Do I hear a 'please' anywhere in that sentence, sir Ace?"

"Ugh, please."

I stood and helped him with the giant barrel. It wasn't even heavy. He just wanted to be near me.

The barrel clunked against the wood of the deck with a dull thud. It contained some expensive Indonesian wine that was being saved for tomorrow, my 'coming of age' party. As soon as I let go, Ace lifted me over his shoulder and took me into the kitchen.

"Here, I made this for you," he smiled as he slid a piece of chocolate cake to my newfound place on the counter. My heart fluttered with delight as I ate the first few bites. He sat on the chair in front of me so he could see my joy. In this moment, I hopped onto his lap, causing him to gasp.

"You have a bite too," I said with a wide grin, handing him the fork.

He turned away. "It was made specially for you."

"Well, I'm not moving from this spot until you eat this," I argued, moving my hips to get comfortable. He bit his lip and his eyebrows furrowed. It confused me for a bit but I disregarded it. He had finally taken the bite of cake. With that, he swallowed, pushed me off and ran away quickly.

What was that all about? I finished the last bite and then followed him. It just so happened that he went to his room to cool down.

"You said you would wait until her name day! C'mon, you only gotta wait until tomorrow," said a voice I hadn't heard many times. It must be his brother Luffy.

"I know, but she was sitting on my lap. Do you understand? I can't control myself around her anymore."

"Well, why not?"

"Luffy, she's perfect," I heard him say. "Her eyes are piercing blue, and her (h/c) hair glows in the moonlight. What I wouldn't give to make her mine. She's got this face, she makes the most adorable face when she smiles and she has a beautiful laugh. I could go on forever," he sighed.

"THEN TELL HER, YOU IDIOT!" I heard a female in the background.

He laughed and hung up. He fell to his knees in anguish. I could see his muscles protruding from his back. It made me want to touch him. I knocked on his door quietly.

"Uh, come in.." He hesitated.

"Hey, you look sore. Are you okay?" I asked. We had just fought a few days ago and he took a bad beating.

"It's just my back and my arms. I'll be fine in a few days."

"Get on your bed and lay on your tummy. I'll help." His eyes went wide but he did as he was told. I climbed on top of him and sat. In this position I ran my hands slowly up and down his back. Then I used my knuckles to knead his muscles. It was when I started massaging his shoulder blades and neck that I heard what seemed like a moan.

"(Y/n).. please don't stop.."

I smiled softly, contemplating whether I should advance. I kept massaging him and decided that if he couldn't wait, then neither could I. Without warning, I laid on his back and began kissing his neck. He eyes bolted open and his breath hitched. I giggled a little before nibbling on his ear.

"Do you want me to stop?" I whispered with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"N-no, k-keep going, by all means," he finally managed. I did as he said and started licking and biting. Along with the massage, he couldn't contain his small noises of pleasure.

"Ah...mm.. yeah," he kept moaning. I paused briefly to catch my breath. That's when his large hands wrapped around me and threw me up under him. He pinned my hands against the mattress and kisses my neck.

"You must be sore too," he smirked as I let out a small moan. He had found a certain spot just above my collarbone. When his tongue slid over it, pleasure ran like a lightning bolt through my spine.

"Ah, Ace.." I whimpered. "Ace.. I heard what you said," I blurted. He stopped immediately. He stared into my eyes with his dark onyx ones. "It's only a few minutes or so until the start of my name day," I smiled with a hand cupping his cheek.

We both looked over at the clock. It was as if time wasn't going fast enough. All I wanted was to kiss him.


"Mm.." He slammed his lips into mine with a rough, passionate kiss. I panicked because I had never kissed anyone before. I tried to mimic what he did and kissed back. He pulled away slowly, but showed no signs of having wanted to.

"You.. you're new to this, aren't you?"

"Afraid so, Mr. Portgas," I giggled.

"That's good. That means that I'm the only one who has and ever will make you feel this good."

"Oh, really?" I smirked, running my hands up his chest. 

"Yes, but I want to wait until you're sure you're ready," he said softly with a quick kiss. He fell to the side and wrapped and arm around me. I leaned up and looked at him in the eye. Although I was still uncertain of what I wanted at that moment.

"You are who I want. I'm ready for anything as long as you are with me." I sat on his lap and laid on his chest. He wrapped both arms around my waist and we fell asleep like that.

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