Bucky X Reader - Test Pt. 1

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This chapter actually has it's own book. It's called Pink Sprinkles. It's the entire story, and sometimes I add extra scenes that happen after the story. Enjoy, my lovelies!! ❤❤

"I need a few things from the store and I'm leaving soon. Does anyone want to come with me?" you asked the rest of the group as they sat on the couches watching TV.

"I'll go," chimed in Steve. He ran to his room for his shoes and wallet. "I suppose I'll coma along, too," said your crush, Bucky. He came after you saved him from H.Y.D.R.A. You stayed with him on nights where he would wake up, tormented by the nightmares of the things he'd done as the Winter Soldier. Thus, you were his best female friend. He threw on his jacket and went to the car, waiting for you and Steve.

Steve returned and led you out. "Bucky is going too, by the way," you informed him. Steve gave a disappointed sigh. You giggled and got in the backseat with Steve in the passenger, and Bucky in the driver's seat.

"C'mon, Bucky," Steve said, patting the dashboard. Bucky grunted as he turned the engine over and out it into gear. You couldn't exactly sense what was going on between them but the air around you was thick with tension.

You pulled up at the store after a brief and silent car ride. What was going on? They have been best friends for god knows how long. You didn't understand what could've happened to make them drop all conversation all of a sudden.

You walked in the store with them but went separate ways once inside. "I'm just gonna do a necessities sweep, y'know. I'll text you when I'm done." They both nodded and the three of you dispersed.

First you did what you knew would take the longest. You went into (your favorite clothes section) and found a few outfits to try on. You got about 5 with some socks, a pair of boots, and two scarves. Now that that was taken care of, you made your way through the store. You went through aisles of stuff you knew you wanted like art supplies. After that, you went to the pharmacy area. You grabbed shampoo, conditioner, body wash, perfume, razors and shaving cream, and one last box before checking out.

At the register you saw the perfect shade of (color) lipstick. You remembered Natasha saying that color complimented your eyes. You grabbed it, paid for it, and texted the boys that you were done. Bucky had gotten food and a few other things. Steve got you some alcohol-based markers because he noticed your current interest in art.

You rode back home with Steve as the driver this time. The drive was still so silent that it felt suffocating. "Is everything okay?" you blurted. You didn't mean to say it out loud. It startled Bucky and he glanced at you before fixing his gaze back out of the window.

"We're fine, (Y/n). We had an argument earlier. It'll blow over in a day or two," Steve replied quickly, almost as if he were fighting to breath as well. What could they possibly have argued about that would take up to two days to resolve? You decided not to think too much about it. Your thoughts were interrupted by Bucky asking you if it was okay for him to carry your stuff up with his.

With a smile, you nodded and went upstairs before he did. You took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes. You walked out of your bathroom, curled up with a book and read until you fell asleep.

Bucky was going to give you your stuff but noticed that your lights were off. That indicated to him that you were taking your usual midday nap and he didn't want to be a bother. He passed your door and went straight to his room, just a few feet away from yours.

He took a shower after setting down your things at the foot of his bed. Then he threw himself back, shirtless, trying to relax a little. He was upset that you noticed the distance between him and Steve. They both liked you, you see. And they began arguing about it. So, their predicament was particularly difficult to keep secret when you were alone with the both of them.

You woke from your nap at about 7:30. A movie and a snack were the first things that popped into your mind. You rode the elevator down to the kitchen where you noticed Bucky cooking your favorite meal. He didn't particularly care for it, but he knew you liked the way he cooked it. It had to slow cook for another two hours. You could tell; you knew his way by heart.

"Hey, Buck, wanna watch a movie while we wait?"

"Oh, morning, Sleeping Beauty. Sure, whatcha got in mind?" he asked.

"(Favorite film)," you replied giddily.

"Never seen it." Your jaw dropped. Never have you ever popped popcorn and grabbed sodas so fast. You were so eager to show him your favorite movie that you practically dragged him up to your room and forced him onto your bed.

After about halfway through theovoe you were hugging his arm, excitedly pointing at your flat screen. "This isy favorite scene!" you giggled. He noticed your enthusiasm and thought to himself, "if only I were her favorite." He knew you would never see him as any more than just a friend or your cover in the field.

Your food from earlier was done by now. Bucky made your plate and you ate at the kitchen counter. "Hmm..." you feigned confusion. "Bucky, what did you do to it? It tastes.." you contorted your face in disgust. "..delicious!"

He was worried at first but then he smiled longer than he should have when he finally got the joke. "Well, enjoy your food. I'm gonna go to my room for a while. See ya, (Y/n)."

You finished eating when Tony walked in. "Hey, (Nickname), whatcha got there?"

"The food that Bucky made me."

Steve was behind Tony, searching through the fridge for something to eat. A small growl escaped his lips af the mention of Bucky's name.

"Hey, Steve, do you know where my bags from earlier are?"

"Ask Barnes, he carried them up," he replied shortly. Since when were they on a last name basis? You disregarded their quarrel and went to retrieve your things. You trudged to the elevator, going up a floor or two to get to his room, conveniently placed right next to yours. You knocked on the door. It creaked open slowly upon impact and you noticed him staring at a pink box in his hands with a bag crinkled at his feet.

"Hey, Buck.. Is that my bag?"

"Why do you have this?"

You glanced at his hands cautiously. His eyes never peeled away from the bright pink and white box labelled 'Pregnancy Test'. "Can I have my stuff, please?" you more or less demanded instead of asked.

A low growl emanated from his chest. He could hardly contain his anger at whoever took your innocence before he got the chance. He didn't want you to have a baby. It would ruin his heart forever.

"Why the FUCK do you have this?"

"Why are you yelling at me? It's got nothing to do with you!"

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