Carter Blake (oneshot)

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Aquatica was a building in the middle of the ocean that my sister built. She researched a protein in the brain of sharks that could cure Alzheimer's disease. I went to visit her at work once. It was the evening of her birthday.

"Hey, (Y/n). I haven't seen you in a while." A man with muscles and short blond curls said as he approached me.

"Hi, Carter," I smiled and sipped at my beer. I had always liked him. Unfortunately, he always liked my sister. He wrapped an arm around me and hugged me. I could tell he was stronger since the last time I saw him.

"You hungry? Preacher man up there's got some good food waiting on ya."

"I might have to take you up on that. How have the sharks been?"

He chuckled a bit as we got to the table. "One of em escaped last night and came back with a liscence plate in her teeth. I had to get it out."

"That would have been nice to see."

"I suppose, but it wasn't that big of a show," he replied and handed me a plate. I ate it and threw away the trash. "What're you doing later?"

"I will probably be leaving soon. I don't want to get in the way of Susan's work."

"You could stay up in the guard tower, I'll come and check on ya," he nudged me. I smiled as we kept walking around. I stayed closer to the fence and farther from the water. Those sharks were probably capable of things I'd prefer to leave unknown. We made it to the guard tower and I immediately felt the drowsiness from those beers.

"Carter, I'm tired," I yawned almost falling into him. He leaned me up against the wall and made a pallet with blankets. "There, now, sleep. You've had a long trip, I imagine."

"Thanks, cutie," I mumbled as he went to close the door and go back down the ladder. He gave a faint smile and his face flushed. The door closed and just as fast as it clicked shut, my eyes had done the same.

I woke up to thrashing rain and an explosion. I didn't know what to do other than to radio the different levels of Aquatica in hopes of a reply.

"Floor A1, this is (Y/n) from guard tower 3B, do you copy?.... Do you copy?" No reply.

I radioed all the floors and got a faint reply from Susan. She said something had happened and a few people had died. These people were the ones I had just finished talking to only a few hours ago. I stayed put as I didn't want to risk anything happening to me. I could be saved come morning. It was Carter and Susan I was worried about. What if the floors started flooding? The sharks could get it.

"Dammit, Susan!" I cursed under my breath. I didn't want the sharks to hear me. They could probably shatter the cement and eat me. That was not a death I found fitting. I tried to sleep for a little bit longer.

Hints of sunshine shone through the shattered windows. The tower started shaking. It was a constant nudging. I looked out to see the last shark that was alive trying to break through the titanium fence. She was almost through but then I saw Carter, Preach, and Susan. Carter was swimming to save Susan but Susan was already gone. Preach was aiming an explosive harpoon at the shark. Carter was yelling for him to take the shot. I could barely look.

"Carter.." Preach shot the harpoon which went through Carter's leg. The shark had finally burst through the fence with Carter attached by the metal. Preach had to detonate it even thought he tried to wait long enough to see if Carter could get away. But reluctantly he struck the fuses and a giant explosion of water and blood and flesh flew into the sky. I threw myself against the window. "CARTER!!!!" Tears were hot going down my face and I ran through the ruins to the edge of the water. But then the last thing I expected rose from the water. It was him. He swam back to Preach and I made it over just in time for him to pull himself out of the water. He limped towards me. Without a word, I gripped his shirt and smashed his lips on mine. He kissed me back immediately. As I pulled away, he chased my lips.

"Carter, I was so terrified. I thought you were gone and I couldn't tell you.."

"Shh.. Just enjoy this," he kissed me one more time and we both laid down beside Preach. A boat in the distance had the crew for next shift. Fortunately, there would be no next shift, or any other shift after that. We should leave sharks to be normal sharks and not genetically enhanced killing machines. We got Preach and Carter to Tue hospital. Although Preach lost his bird, he didn't lose his faith or his leg. Carter had his wounds disinfected and stitched up. Carter and I started living together, trying to forget the horrors of Aquatica.

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