Chapter 16 - Her Nightmare pt. 2

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Chapter 16 - Her Nightmare pt. 2

[ Gray Fullbuster's POV ]

An hour has passed and Lucy is still not awake from that nightmare what Yu was saying. Speaking of that bastard, we already sent him to jail and got our reward from the client. But still, this reward isn't worth of it if Lucy doesn't wake up..

Our client let us stay on his guest's room, it was large enough to fit us 4 in. Erza and Wendy are getting ready while Lucy...still isn't breathing. Her lips is getting pale, and this is the first time that I felt powerless for not being able to save her.

I don't want to lose another friend of mine..

Erza caught my attention as soon as she cleared her throat, walking over to me with Wendy by her side. They looked at Lucy for a while before turning their attention back to me. "Me and Wendy will leave for a while."

"Where are you two going?"

"We're going to see the dragon's soul again, Gray-san. Maybe that he could help us with Lucy-san's situation right now, same for Natsu." Wendy answered in a calm yet worried voice, frowning. Well, if that's what they plan, then I hope that they'll collect some helpful information from that dragon.

I really want to come with them but I can't leave Lucy alone here. What if she wakes up only to find out that we're not around her? Or what if something really bad happens, too?

Erza is absolute, I'm sure that there's no way for me to convince her to stay with Lucy instead. And we need Wendy's power in order to communicate with the dragon, again. I have no choice but to guard Lucy.

"Fine. Don't come back without collecting any information then," I waved them off, gesturing for them to leave already considering that time is very important to us nowadays.

Erza gave me a hard pat on my back before turning on her heel to leave, waiting for Wendy to catch up with her. The bluenette whispered something to Lucy, "We will get you and Natsu-san back, I promise you that!"

I hope so too, Wendy.

As they left, I found myself staring down at the blonde. I know it may sound silly but maybe Lucy will hear me out even if she's unconscious at the moment. "I thought that you're that excited to get your pinkette back, eh? Then, wake up already from that nightmare and face the reality, Lucy."

Of course, as expected, she didn't answer.

I leaned back on my seat and closed my eyes for a while, this has been a tiring day..

Wake up already, Lucy.

[ Lucy Heartfilia's POV ]

"We will get you and Natsu-san back, I promise you that!"


The pinkette in beside shot me a questioning look, "Is there something wrong?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Is it me or am I starting to imagine things again? Natsu didn't hear anyone whispering, also, that innocent look on his face told me that he knew or heard nothing.

Natsu held my shoulder, shaking me slightly to catch my attention back to him. He looked worried, again. "Lucy, are you sure that you're really okay? You keep on..snapping back from your little trance."

His Last Flame [Fairy Tail (NaLu) FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon