Chapter 11

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///////////Alec’s POV////////

"You came.." Tyler says tiredly to Jae. Jae shrugs, looking at Tyler the same way I am; in fascination. "I did. It's been awhile." Tyler becomes mad, his body shakes with rage. Or at least I hope it’s rage. "A year!" Jae’s face flushes red, but he stays calm, "Eleven months." Tyler laughs sarcastically, "I don't give a damn. What the hell?!" His upper body twitches and his stream of profanities ends with what I can only call a smokers cough. Jae flinches, with what emotion; I have no idea. "I didn't feel like disappointing you while you die." Tyler tries to sit up, but fails. "Disap-? You didn't disappoint me." Tyler whispers sincincerly. Jae’s face loses all color. "Oh please! I saw the look of disgust in your eyes." Tyler’s face follows, "I was disgusted!" Jace flinches, as do I. Tyler notices me for possibly the first time, but doesn’t act on it. "It wasn't because you were ga-"
"Are." Jace corrected him. Tyler lets out an exaggerated breath, "It wasn't because you are gay. I was disgusted by the mure fact that you thought that I could possibly love you any less! You're my brother for gods sake. I couldn't hate you! Even if I wanted to." Tyler catches his breath from yelling, and smiles, "I always suspected-" Jae steps forward, "What?! No, I played straight, and I was damn good too." Jaes’ lip twitches, like he wants to smile; but can’t.Tyler laughs, "Yeah. The fact that you took hours getting ready, and never had a girlfriend. You could of had any girl you wanted." Jaes’ brow furrows, "Why's that?" Tyler gives the ‘duh’ face, and chuckles, "You're my twin brother. You're hot." They both laugh. The tension leaving. "How you doing?" Jae says becoming serious once again. Tyler looks at Jae from under his eyelashes, "Fine. Tired. Nothing mom can't fix with a visit." Jae nods, "When's the last time mom came?" Tyler shrugs, "Now. She's in the cafeteria." They both laugh again, for a reason that’s unclear to me.
I sneeze.
God I don't know what it is, but I always sneeze at the hospital-
Oh crap. They're looking at me. "This is my..." Jae begins to say, but can’t seem to finish. With a bit of understanding and a lot more anger, I finish for him, "Alec." I don't want him to have to explain himself if he doesn't want to. I'm so shocked I can't keep the next sentence from coming out, "I thought you were dead." Tyler laughs, "Not yet unfortunately."
"Tyler." Jace hisses.
"I'm dead little brother. I've accepted it. It's time you did too." Jae shakes his head, his face bleeding crimson, "The hell it is!" With that Jae storms out. I’m left looking at his back as he turns a corner. "So... Alec.” My eyes widen. I turn back to his brother. “You like my little brother?" Great. "Um. Yes?" He smiles, "You think he's hot." I nod, "Yes..." He shrugs nonchalantly, "So you think I'm hot?" Wow, he's confident. Something I don't find that attractive. He's also a lot skinnier than Jae, and taller to. I can tell by how far out his legs are on the bed, compared to Jae's on a bed. I answer honestly anyway, "You're not my type. However you are hot." He laughs, like there wasn’t any other answer, “Wait? Not your type. I'm an exact replica of Jae. Or him to me beings how I'm older." I nod, "Yeah I get that you're older. You've managed to tell me about twice now." He laughs, "It makes Jace mad. I'm older by two minutes. Well he'll say, I minute and forty-two seconds. Ha, pansy. Anyway, what's so different about us. Well besides the fact that I can't walk."
He can't walk?... All that’s happened to him, and he still manages to smile. "Well, he's shy. You're confident. I think it's cute when he blushes. You, I'm sure have never blushed a day in your life." Tyler nods while I continue, "Jaes smile, you can tell what his day was like with it. Whether it lights up the room. Or simply gives off a spark. You smile all the time; his means something.” I look down; that may have come out rude. “His laugh is to die for. I mean I would die, just to hear it again." Tyler stops nodding. I think to apologize for mentioning death when he interrupts my thought process, "You love him don't you?” I stop, and reasses my pros and cons in telling him, "Yeah. Yeah I do." He nods, "Don't break his heart again..." I nod, but I don’t get it… Again? I didn’t know I had it now.


I see Jae sitting outside of the hospital on a bench. I sit next to him, "Jae, I-... Why did you Bring me here?" I ask, starting a different conversation than the one I had planned for. "I needed you to know that I trusted you." I nod, and lean in closer, whisper; "But him? You haven't even seen him in like a year." His side of his lip lifts, "Eleven months." I roll my eyes, "Eleven months, whatever. Why didn't you visit him? I mean, what's-" He cuts me off with his glare, "What's wrong with me?" I lean away, “I was going to ask what was wrong with him?” He sends me a smile, apologizing. "His lungs are failing, the doctors tried to get the cancer out, but doing so, Tyler lost the Ability to walk. Last time I came he was paralyzed from the thigh, down... Now. It's... It's, from the waist down." He puts his head in his hands. I put my hand on his back. "Jae I'm-" He kisses me. The hand I had on his back is making small circles that make his breath quicken.
"Jae," I say before he kisses me again.I pull away once again. "Jae. You're not thinking straight. You don't want this." Him wanting me, wouldn't make any sense. Especially right now, he’s mourning. "Thinking straight?" He stands up and begins pacing. "I haven’t been thinking straight for the last month because of you, why’s now any different? Wanting you!?..." He sits back down, only to get back up again. His breath catches, "I've wanted you for the last year!" I see red, "Year!?" Standing up next to him. "Year? What the hell do you mean year!" I scream louder than him. "Alec, people are starting to stare, we should talk about this later." I shake my head aggressively, to late for that. "No! We're talking about this now!" I don't get angry very quickly, but once I am, there's no way in hell, I'm stopping, not until I get my answer. "Gentlemen, you're going to have to leave the premises, if you're going to act this way." I step away and turn in the other direction, “The hell with this. Tell Tyler I’ll come back later." I hiss at Jae. His face changes. From anger to...Is that? Jealousy? He goes stiff, "You guys buddy-buddy now?" I laugh, "Maybe! Why, like you give a damned." Before he can say anything else, I walk off. Not knowing where I'm going to go; though before I know it, I'm walking north.


I'm home. Not my new home. the home I lived with dad in. Home sweet home. The tape isn't up anymore. so I go to the door. It's locked. My heart aches, but my brain soon follows. I pull out the chain I wear around my neck, unlock the door, and go inside. I go up to my room. I sit on my bed. which is now covered in plastic.
Wow, they work fast. I go to my closet, only to find it empty. Hmp, they probably gave my clothes to charity. Which is fine. Jae got me a whole new wardrobe.
I leave my room. I make sure to shut the door as it was. I go back downstairs and sit on the couch my father died on. A tear slips from my eye. Another, another, another. I lay down. Pretty soon I'm bawling my eyes out. Soon after, I sleep. I dream, but I don't dream of Jae or even my father. I dream of mother. and wonder; what exactly I did to deserve to have a mother like mine.

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