Chapter 22

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//////////SOPHIA'S POV////////

 Gliding the blade across my sensitive skin, do I try and repress the images that cloud every other memory I have. I try and repress what happened seven years ago...

————— flashback ————-

 Laughter fills the night air as we exit the school, "Aight, aight, lets blow this place." Ex states, leading the way, opposite of the school dance. Alec gives Ex a confused glance, "You mean joint?" Ex looks at my boyfriend in bewilderment, "Wha?" Alec looks at me smiling, loving to mess with my brother; his best friend. "Lets blow this joint, you... you said place." Ex throws his hands up in disdain, "Oh whoutever, yeh an yeh American speaks." Alec chokes on a laugh, "You mean Language." Ex looks around, "Ah bloody hell! Can we just go in the lift?" He states, looking at the elevator that goes into the parent pick up lot. "The wout?" Alec mocks his British accent, which makes me Chuckle. "Lift." Alec looks at me, but asks Ex, "What's that?" Ex throws his head back in thought, "Oh god what's it called? Soph?" I look at Ex, "Elevator." His eyes brighten, "Elevata that's it!" Alec stops walking, "El-e-va-tor." Ex steps towards him, "Oh bloody hell, I'm chuffed! you'va made me chuffed." I'm done, "Boys, boys, can we go? I want tonight to be fun. Plus, mum and dad are here." I state while walking in the lead, exiting said elevator.
 "Ew don't do that In Front ah meh!" Ex screams when Alec and I kiss, leaning over Ex to do so. Alec pulls away, smiling like an idiot, sighing; "Oh, Exsavior, do calm down." Ex slaps Alec in the back of the head, "Mum they'aa kissin." Dad chuckles as mum answers, "Yes honey you will too. Well, maybe one day." Alec and I start to snicker. "Oh, I'm sure meh sons and playa!" dad says. "Yeah! biggest player there is." Alec yells. "Yeh know whout. I'll show yeh playa!" Ex throws his feet up to the front console, with our parents, "Alec, roll the window down." Alec rolls his window down, his eyes following. "Hey ladies." Ex then grabs Alec's head and puts it in his own lap, to hide him from the girls.
 The next thing I remember is having a splitting headache. Looking around I see Alec unconscious, blood running out of a head wound. Glancing down, I see Exsavior unconscious as well, only. I blink three times. His leg is completely seared off. Which will inevitably end to him bleeding to death; I grow nauseous. I pinch my eyes closed; trying to wake up. After re-opening my eyes, I wish I never had, glancing up, I see my mother, all over the dashboard, hanging out the windshield. She never did know how to put on a seat belt, I say to myself. I know shes dead, no point in dwelling on it. Then I hear my father whimper, I move my neck, to see him. Only to see a big piece of glass, deep in his chest. "Daddy?" I whisper. His hand twitches, "Hon- ah- lov- y-"
 He died, and I black out, waking up with white everywhere, Instead of red...

———-end of flashback————-

I jump as the door opens. "Soph?" I throw my blade and cover up, "Come in." He pops his head in, "Hey." He comes in, and shuts the door. "Hey." Alec sits down next to me on my bed, just sits there. Never talking, so I decided to, "I never stopped lovin yeh, yeh know?" Alec's head snaps up, and looks at me, "wh- Sophia-" I pat his leg, "It's fine. I just wanted to let yeh know..." I look down in my lap, "Ex told me whout you're going to do." I look up to his deep blue eyes, and get lost, like I have half my life. I probably would have ended it sooner, if it weren't for two reasons, one: I met Alec, and two; Ex walked in on me overdosing. "Sophia, I don't think I ever apologize to you." I stay quiet, willing him to continue. Praying for him to want me back. "I shouldn't have left you then, right then, when you needed me most." His eyes getting watery, "I never stopped loving you either, its just. You, you were my first girlfriend, you were my girl best friend. I'll always love you." A tear slips from his eye, and I feel guilty not shedding my own, "Saying your final goodbyes?" I say to him. He smiles sadly, "Kinda." I turn towards him, holding the blanket close, "Alec. you can't kill yourself." He shrugs, "I'm not killing myself, the doctors are saving another-" I shake my head, disappointed, "Do you have any idea how Jae will feel about you killing yourself, for him!" He slouches, "He gets his brother." I almost stand, but think better of it, "But loses his love!" His face turns red, hot with anger; "Tyler deserves to live." My face follows, "So do yeh!" He stands, "I-I mean, the doctors say he may even walk again." I shake my head, "Yeah, at a 35% chance." He sits back down, lower than before, "35% isn't that bad, compared to dying it's pretty damn good." He goes quiet. I follow, "Have you told him?" He shakes his head, "Tyler? No, I-" I stop him, "Jae." I correct. "No." He whispers. My eyes widen, "You haven't told him?" He shakes his head slowly, "No." I lean back on my hands, "Why are you doing this?" He shrugs, "We're a match, they don't have anyone else." I stop, think, and continue; "When are you telling him?" He blushes, "Before we go into surgery." I stand, holding the blanket close, "What!-" He stands right along with me, scared that I'll tell no doubt. I think to. He shakes his head, "I don't need him trying to stop me." My head mirrors his, "Look, Alec, there has to be anotha-" He grabs my hand, "There isn't. I've checked." I look at his hand, and swallow, "Alec-" He lets his fingers slip through mine, "I have to go." Alec walking away from me. "I just wanted to see you." He states before leaving my room. Watching him go, I think of one thing, and one thing only... Where'd the blade go?

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