Chapter 19

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///////////ALEC'S POV //////////

This morning I sit against a old bench in front of some diner, and think. Think about last night. While thinking I hear a faint British accent. I sit up, ears open; actually, I think that's two British accents. "Alec!" I snap my head up, "Ex?" I stand up. My best friend stands before me, with a smaller, girl next to him, "Sophia?" my ex girlfriend from the seventh grade. I didn't mention she was British, and had a twin brother? "Alec!" They both scream, running to give me a hug, the smile on my face, is so real. "Oh my god! How have yeh been!?" Ex asks me. "Good. I've been, I've been good." I think for a moment, "What about you guys?! why are you here?" Sophia stay quiet, Ex is the first to answer, "Grandmatha died, now wha here with owur uncle." he says in his thick accent. "I'm so sorry." They were very close to their grandmother. "Are you hungry. Uncles buying." Sophia says in a much lighter accent. "Yeah. I could go for I bite."


 "Okay, she's gone, tell meh everythin; what's really the matta?" Ex asks me while their uncle and Soph get the food. "Look, Ex a lot of things have happened." He scoffs, "Bloody right, a lot of thins happen. My question is, wha happened?" So I tell him. I'm almost to the part where I say I'm in love, when the food comes. "So Alec. How's your folks doin?" Uncle Charlie asks. I've always gotten to call their family, my family. I look away, at a very interesting cup of coffee. "My um, my... my parents are well; their dead." That was a lot harder to get out then I thought it'd be. Everyone at the table stops moving. Even Ex, though he knows this, he knows how hard it is for me to tell everyone. "Wha? my goud. Alec, I'm... where are you staying now?" Sophia asks. "With my friend Jae." She nods, glancing back to her food. "Oh, well. I'm really sorry about your parents." Charlie says. I shrug, "Yeah," a tear threatens to slip from my eye, "Me too." I quickly wipe it away, even though I know Ex saw it. As in I'd have to tell him the whole story sooner or later. Hopefully later.

———— 2 weeks later ————-

 "You bloody fool! I knuew they wer a reason I didn't miss yeh!" I laugh. "Oh please! you know bloody well, we missed him.!" Soph says, in a better, more clear accent. where as Ex is still British as hell. I lean in, smiling, "Yeah you missed me Ex, admit it."
 "Fine! bloody hell. Yes we missed you, who wouldn't; you're a fine mate." I laugh, "Thanks buddy." I throw an arm around his shoulder and kiss his cheek. "How you doing?" He looks around, "Meh... chuffed." He says with a shrug. "Good. what do you want?" looking back at the menu. When our waitress comes by and asks the same thing. "I'll have, the chicken basket, with a side of gherkins." the waitress looks at me with confusion. When each of us is done I look at her, "He means pickles." He eyes shine, "Ohhhh okay, thanks. That'll be right out."


"I'm home!" I yell. Seconds later Jae comes running down the stairs. He smiles, "Hey. how did it go?" I shrug, slipping out of my shoes, "Great." I say, and run up the stairs to my room. It hasn't been the same since we talked a couple weeks ago. Like, he still thinks I'm visiting my fathers grave. Yes, we had a funereal for my father, his grave is in the local cemetery. I do visit him. just not nearly as much as I say I do. Jae doesn't question me about it; he just lets me be.
 I'm going out tonight with Ex and Soph. So, I think I'll have to tell him. It was Bound to happen sooner or later.


 "Come in!" I answer to the knocking. "Hey. um-" I almost fall out of my chair, "What the hell are you doing here!"
 "Well, yeh said yeh lived here. I need help."
 "I said I live here. does not mean, you can visit. what did you say. who answered the door?"
 "Well, it wasn't bloody easy. I had to tell them I was yeh gurlfriend." Shit..."You?... you did what?" Soph shrugs, "What? it's not like weh never dated-" I stand from my chair, "That's not the point!" she doesn't know how I feel about him. I take a deep breath, "Who answered the door?" She shrugs, "Some hot guy, then his mom came in after he stormed out. I doun't know?" I do, but she can't. I walk past her, out into the hallway, "Whatever. Where's Ex?"
 "Waiting at CC's"
 'Carlas' café.' my favorite. "Okay. I guess we better go." Soph starts off behind me, "Yeh want to invite hottie?" I repress a growl. "No. and you're not his type." She scoffs, "What the bloody hell does that mean? what, cause I'm British?" I sigh, "No. just, lets go." She sighs, "Aight."


 "So what's wrong?" I ask Ex, and he doesn't answer. "Look, Soph said you needed my help; with what?" Ex sits straight up, "Well now that yeh ask. I told her to getcha here because I think- I think she might be suci-" He stops once Soph drops herself into the chair next to us. "Got it." She says with three muffins and a coffee holder with four coffees. "What's with the four coffees?" She looks at me like i'm the crazy one, "I'm bloody thirsty. What yeh think this is youas? bloody hell mate." Soph laughs lightly. almost as if she's tired.
 "So have you met the special someone yet?" I ask Ex a couple hours later.  "Oh noe. I'm waitin. Fallon in love, its serious. I'll tell yeh, I can't wait. I imagine her being American." Ex drifts off for a moment... "With light blond hair, deep green eyes, and a freckle above her left eyebrow." I stop drinking to look up at Ex, "Wow. that's really... descriptive?" He sits up, smiling, "Well yeah she's right behind you."
 "What?" turning around. My eyes land on a familiar face.
 "Oh, that's Casey." Ex's' eyes widen, "Casey. yeh know her? didn't thenk to intaduce meh?" I shrug, taking a drink, "Well now that I think about it. Brit's are suppose to have sexy accents aren't they?"
 "Suppose- bloody hell." EX mumbles while getting up from the booth we're in.

/////////EXSAVIORS POV////////

 Walking up to this 'Casey' I start getting... butterflies. Yes, butterfly's, in my stomach. That's nevea happened befoe. Being raised in a British family we learn how to be a gentlemen. Learn how to use utensils, how to cook, clean, use grammar, spelling, but never, had my mother and father, ever, taught meh how to handle a girl. Sure, a date that's a family friend; but, "Ello." I tap her shoulder lightly. She turns around to face me, her eyes widen, "Hi." She has such a sweet and angelic voice. "My name is Exsavior." I kiss her hand lightly, she blushes. "My names Casey." I stand tall once more, "Well Casey. It is my absolute pleasure, to meet yeh." she giggles, "It's very nice meeting you too." I smile, "This may seem a bit direct, by I was hoping, maybe yeh could join my friends and I for a, coffee?" I take a deep breath; I almost said tea. It's still weird not being able to say tea... She glances over my shoulder, does a double take, "That's Alec." A ping of jealousy hits me. Just a ping. "Alec? yes, he is a old friend. Yeh friends with him?" She smiles, shrugging it off, "Well, I mean, he's dating my best-friend." DATING?!? "Interesting..." Her beautiful brow furrows, "What?" I look half an inch lower, and see a sea of green, "Nothing... Well, any-who, would yeh join us.?" She smiles brighter, "Yeah.. sure, why not?"

///////////ALEC'S POV//////////

"It was really great seeing you Casey, I hope to see you again." I really hope you don't tell Jae. "Yeah! same here... Ex, I'll be sure to call you." I can practically see his heart beating out of his chest, "You do that love, I'll be sittin by tha phone alnight." Casey blushes.
 After minutes of talking we finally go our separate ways, Casey to her car; and us to ours. About a block away from the café, I'm getting the wind knocked out of me, and falling deep into unconsciousness.

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