Chapter 27

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//////////ALEC'S POV///////////

 I watch as the liquid runs down from the needle, down the I.V and into my arm; into my bloodstream. There's a knock at the door and the nurse goes and answers it. I have enough strength to glance at the door to see a bed rolling into the room, close to where my heart will no longer beat.
 The nurses finally move so I can see who it is to see that its... "Ello Alec." The accent is thick with drowsiness. "No." I slur, sitting up, the nurses try and stop me. "Get off!" I have the strength to yell. But do I have the strength to stand? I get up, only to fall; the nurses help me. I slowly limp over.
 "What are you doing?" No answer. "Sophia What are you doing!" She looks drowsy, and smiles her sad smile. "I'm not letting you die, when I can."
 "What are you talking about?" She takes a deep breath, "Alec, I'm not happy. I don't belong here. I belong with mum and dad. I'm sorry." She whispers, tears running down her face, "I love you Alec. You love someone else... I can't stop that, but I sure as hell can't let you lose it." Her eyes getting closer and closer to closing, "Soph you can't do this. Ex, I mean, what will he do without you. He won't have any family left." she opens her eyes, through the tears she smiles, "He'll have you" I smile, blink through the tears, trying to get one last look at her, "I love you Sophia." I whisper, getting closer to her face, "Remember that." I kiss her on the lips to thank her; to let her know that I love her. I never stopped loving her. I just love someone else more.
 They make me lie back down because I start slurring my words from the I.V. I'm gonna pass out, soon. The last thing I see, before darkness comes, is cuts running up and down Sophia's arms and legs. Maybe this was best, but I should have noticed. Why didn't I? How long had this been happening?

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