Pointless Hate

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*skip to Monday at school during lunch*
(Garroth's POV)
I was just enjoying lunch when I noticed a few girls giving me death stares and whispering to eachother. I tried to ignore them but I could feel their stares burning into my skin.
What's their problem?
I finished my lunch quickly and sat back down. I was sitting alone because I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I got really uncomfortable with those girls doing what they were and went into the bathroom. When I walked in, just my luck, Gene and Zenix were in there.
"Hello, faglord"
"We heard something about you, a lot of people did. Hehehe, you know, a lot of girls really liked you. Guys were jealous, but turns out the cat magnet's into dogs."
"So what? Just fuck off and leave me alone. Why do you care anyway? We have an LGBT club here at school and you don't bother them."
"Because, you're easy. Nothing but a target. Nobody expected it, and people aren't happy. You really think a club about this is going to make everyone happy and open about it? Nope. Such a shame."
"Go bother someone else. Are you really that bored that you have to pick on me? You're right, it is a shame. A shame that you can't find enough of a life to mind your own business."
"I could kick your ass if I wanted to."
"Kay. You'll be the one getting punished for it then. The school doesn't take kindly to people like you."
As soon as I was done talking, the two guys pinned me against the wall.
"Let me go!"
Then one of them punched me across the face. I struggled and managed to kick one of them but not hard. They were taller and a bit stronger than me. I felt so pathetic! The guy who punched me let go and so did the other one. I was about to turn and walk out when he suddenly pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the throat.. This knocked the air out of me and I didn't move for a couple minutes. And of course, just my luck, after they left, someone walked in while I was starting to get up. Luckily, it wasn't Laurance or a teacher. Surprisingly, it was Aphmau's little white haired friend.
"Woah, dude. Are you okay? Should I go get someone?"
"N- *cough* no I'm fine."
"Who did this? You should tell a teacher!" He said as he helped me up.
"Thanks. Your name is Travis right?"
"Y-yeah, can you remind me your name?"
"It's Garroth."
"Neat. But seriously though, wait, was it those two guys I saw walking out a second ago?"
"Why would they do that?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. It's okay."
"Uh...okay. I can only do so much. But if you need my help let me know. By the way, some brown-haired guy is looking for ya. I heard him ask Aph if you were around."
Oh no. It's Laurance.... I can't let him see me like this.
And, of course, again, by my luck, guess who the hell has to walk in right at that exact fucking moment.
"Oh! Garroth..hi...."
"H-hi Laurance...."
"D-did something just happen?"
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine."
"Garroth...you know what I'm gonna say right?"
"Even after....?"
"Yes. By the way, I wanna talk to you this weekend."
"Why can't you do it now?"
"I want to talk to you in private of course. School's too populated."
"O-okay then?"
"Hey uh...are we...okay still?"
"I hope so... I was wondering the same thing..."
"Alright then, I guess we are?"
"Yeah." The bell rang, we went to class, everything was okay. But what could he possibly want to talk to me about? And why the hell are Gene and his friends getting on my case about this?

Garroth ❤️Laurance Where stories live. Discover now