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(Laurance's POV)
Garroth likes me??? So that's why he was blushing so much and hugging me and stuff.... This is...too much. I don't know how I'm going to face him. It's Friday night so at least I'm not going to be in class with him. Maybe I should try to talk to him about it? I gave him a call, no answer. I would text him but he probably won't reply. I really hope he's okay. I needed some time to reflect. I looked at my phone. 7:30pm. I thought about Garroth. I let my mind completely wander. I thought about us joking around and hanging out, our more personal moments, my favorite memories of us.. I think I know what that feeling is now... But it's not possible, I like Aphmau, how can I like Garroth? I did some research on this thing, I decided to think about my relationship with Aphmau, then thought about what it would be like to date Garroth. Both made me oddly happy. Am I bisexual or something? I looked up some stuff about that, and reflected on some of the things I like about Garroth. I needed to know if I really liked him or not. I listed off some of my favorite things about him:
He's strong, he's kind, he's such a sad person but is able to fake a smile, he gives amazing hugs, his eyes are beautiful, his hair is soft. hes gentle, he's actually a cuddly person inside which is adorable. He's funny, he likes the same stuff I do, there's almost too much to like about him.
To be honest, I'm okay with this, I've met homosexual and bisexual people before, and I've never cared what others thought of me. So I'm actually okay with letting myself go into this.
"To be honest, I've always thought he was attractive as hell, but I thought I was just able to notice a good looking person."
These thoughts were just going through my head. I smiled to myself. I guess I really did like him all along didn't I? I laughed to myself, when I think about it, the whole situation is kinda funny. Not Garroth's feelings, but how blind I was to them as well as my own. I'm considered the "Casanova." But my smile soon faded, one problem was still there. Aphmau or Garroth? And when I figure that out, what do I do about it? If I like Aphmau more and keep our relationship going, Garroth has to be stuck with a broken heart and I might lose him completely. But if I were to take action on my other feelings, how would I break up with Aphmau and explain the situation? And how would I face her after I did that....oh no, what do I do?!
"Irene help me..." Was all I could think.

Garroth ❤️Laurance Where stories live. Discover now