Dark Secret

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*TRIGGER WARNING!!! This page involves self injury and I do not want anyone to be triggered to hurt themselves. If you are easily triggered by or sensitive to this topic, I recommend skipping this page. Stay safe and stay strong ❤️*
(Garroth's POV)
"Leave me alone." Zane said, hostility in his voice. Something compelled me to keep going.
"Grrr... Just go." He reached to grab a book on top of his dresser (he has one of those tall ones so he had to reach for it.) and that's when I saw something that made me freeze. His sleeve moved down when he reached to grab the book and I swear I saw at least five or six red lines on his wrist.
I slowly got up and walked over to him.
"What? I said leave not walk up to me." Without saying anything I quickly pulled up his sleeve. We both went wide eyed and froze. A load of cuts and scars were on his inner arm, all the way up too. Some deeper than others. He started shaking but didn't move, I did the same. My thoughts were racing so fast I couldn't even speak.
(Zane's POV)
Oh no... I'm fucked...
"Garroth...I..." I started tearing up.
No! I am not going to cry!
I hate showing any emotion whatsoever and I refuse to do so now. He looked at me. He tried to choke out something to say but it didn't seem like he could find the words. He hugged me, really tightly. He was shaking too. I felt weak and couldn't bring myself to pull away. In fact, I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I had no idea what to say or do. He hugged me for what seemed like forever before eventually letting me go and sitting on my bed. He looked at me and I knew he wanted me to sit down next to him, and I did. My sleeve was still rolled up so I went to pull it down but Garroth grabbed my hand and even pulled up the other sleeve and saw a similar sight. I let him because in this moment I really couldn't go against him.
"Z-Zane... Why?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Look at me." I looked at him and his eyes were becoming a little red and teary.
Why is he crying?
"Zane. Talk. Now. Please."
I looked down at my arms. There was no avoiding this situation now.
"Isn't it obvious? There's no way you're that blind Garroth. I'm the one who can only see out of one eye anyway."
"Just look at me! I'm the reject! The 'stupid emo kid', the kid who can't live up to his brother's image, the fucking freak of the family, the target, the antisocial one, completely invisible, I have no friends, the dad I loved is gone away now, I'm in a school I didn't want to go to, and the only people who talk to me are people who want to throw fun at my appearance, my eye, how pale I am, how skinny I am, the way I have my hair, my voice, the music I listen to, anything! Nobody fucking cares and nobody ever will!" I curled up and started bawling my eyes out. I couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Zane, listen to me. I care. Mom cares. Vylad cares. I'm so sorry. I let you down, I'm your older brother but I'm a bad one. I wish I would've noticed sooner and helped you a bit more. I wish I would've been there for you. I'm so sorry." He choked up. "I promise... From now on, I'm going to be here for you. Please don't hurt yourself. As selfish as this sounds, it kills me inside to see this. Please get rid of whatever you use and let's tell mom... Together."
"I can't...."
"You don't have to be alone anymore. Nobody deserves to feel the way you do."
"You don't understand."
"Yes I do. Zane, I may seem different, but I know how you feel. This last week, I've been being bullied. And when dad went away...he had been abusive for a while towards me. I know what it's like to be depressed and hate yourself."
"What? But..."
"But nothing. Please trust in me Zane.... Now....hand me whatever you've been using to hurt yourself."
I'm not sure what possessed me to actually listen to him, but something did. I got up and went to my little hiding place and grabbed out a few small but sharp blades I had been using and put them in Garroth's outstretched hand. He looked at them for a second and closed his hand around them. He hugged me again and I hugged back this time.
Oh my Irene, this hurts him almost as much as it does me.... What have I done?
"Come on." He said. I followed him through the house to the bathroom. He opened the toilet lid and tossed the blades in. I cringed. It felt weird to part with them and to actually be putting my trust in someone. He flushed them and the feeling I had at that moment was indescribable.
"We have one more thing to do."
"Wh-what? Wait.....Garroth no!"
"We have to Zane. I promise it's for your own good."
"Garroth please!"
"Zane, you can trust me."
"Please no...."
"*sigh*......... For now, fine. But she has to know eventually. Mom loves you."
"I-I know. But I can't stand to see her sad."
"Now... From now on, you are not alone. If you need anything, you talk to me okay? Now let yourself heal. And remember, you are loved."
"Garroth....th-.... Thank you." I smiled and started crying again, this time out of relief and happiness.
He cares... He really does....
I went back to my room, he went to his. I feel like this is a new start for me.. But I am addicted to this. Stopping this will be harder than anything.
(Garroth's POV)
I really hope he stops. It hurt.... So much, to see him like that.
I will never let him be alone again.
I silently promised myself. I looked at my phone to see a text from Laurance asking to hang out and talk tomorrow. I told him yes but this is probably gonna be awkward...

Garroth ❤️Laurance Where stories live. Discover now