It's Your Turn (continued)

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(Zane's POV)
I handed him the paper and he read it. When he finished he looked at me and his eyes started tearing up.
Here we go...
"Th- thank you Zane.." He said.  Then Laurance started talking to me.
"Okay, so Zane."
"You said one of your problems was that you think you aren't worth much right? Especially compared to others?"
"Yeah, what of it?"
"Wait wait wait. Before you continue, you've never liked me, why do you want to help at all? Me and you have never gotten along. So what exactly are you doing?"
"Zane, look. You may not like me and I may not have been too friendly with you either, but that doesn't matter. People have problems and I believe that people need support, help, someone to care. And as far as I know, you fall into the "people" category. So I'm here."
"Oh..." I really didn't know how to respond to that.
"So as I was saying, you ARE worth more than you think. Remember that. Now, a good start would be to find something you're good at or can learn to be good at. You will gain confidence and pride from whatever that may be and it can be a good distraction to help you use when you want to hurt yourself."
"But I'm not good at anyth-"
"No, you are, and if not, then you can learn. Everyone can do something, as cliché as that sounds. It's true though. So what have you been wanting to do?"
"I don't know, anything?"
"Let's try to name some specific things. Because you can say anything but then go to try it, get good at it, but not enjoy it. Like if you want to be an artist, you most likely don't wanna settle for a job in business or a math teacher or something because it would get boring for you. You would want to create while being in a place of uniform, professional, do something a specific way environment. Know what I mean? So let's find something you would enjoy so you don't hate what you become good at."
"That makes sense.."
"So what do you do on your free time?"
"Read, play online games, draw. That's about it."
"Come on Zane, that's not all." Garroth said with a smirk.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't lie baby brother, I hear you sing in your room all the time."
"What??!! H-how did you.." My face got hot with embarrassment.
"I may have stopped a couple times to listen by your door."
"Garroth! What the heck?!"
"Hahaha, what? You're really good at it."
"Is he?" Laurance chimed in.
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Either way, Zane. It seems like you have a couple admirable talents. There's a video game club at school, or even without the club there are plenty of video game lovers at school. Aphmau is one of them. Loads of people like art and would either talk about it with you, ask you to draw them something, or there are art classes at school you could try and get added to your schedule, and singing, people like music. There is a choir club at school as well as a good bunch of people who admire good singers. There's also a lot of people who like reading, writing stories, and enjoying books and concepts dealing with them. Not only do all four of those things serve as distractions and talents, but also ways to serve as chances for socializing and making friends and showing people there's more to you than they think."
"....I guess but... I hate being social. I'm not good with people.."
"We'll work on it. Now guys, we should really check on your little brother..."
"Agreed." Was Garroth's only reply to all of that.
We walked into Vylad's room after he didn't answer the door. He was sitting on his bed with the lights off, window shades closed, and only a single candle to serve as light.
"Hm?" He was surprised at our sudden entry.
"Are you okay little brother?" Garroth was concerned.
"I'm fine. What's up?"
"Well that's a lie.." I said with a sigh. Vylad just looked down.
"We should talk about this.."
"Heh, what is this? A counseling session?"
"Vylad, I'm serious."
Vylad's right... What is all this 'talking about our feelings as a family' thing?
It was awkward at first, but we talked to Vylad, comforted him. Garroth did most of the talking.
"You're strong baby brother. But... I... Well, you know what happened. Zane hurts himself, so about you... Are you doing anything... Negative, I guess?"
"Not really... Just been meditating and drawing as usual."
All of us breathed a small sigh of relief.
"Good. Everything will get better I promise."
They hugged then Vylad got closer to me.
"I know you don't like this but, can I..?"
He didn't need to finish.
"Ugh... Fiiiine."
He smiled and hugged me. He didn't wanna let go though.
"Um... Okay, you can let go now. Um.. Let go please.... Vylad come on..." He let go eventually.
"Sorry. Had to."
"Haha alright guys. Anyway, Zane, Garroth." Laurance got our attention.
"Take this as another piece of motivation."
"Your little brother, being there for him and all that, recovering for yourselves and everyone else?"
"Oh okay. Of course." Garroth. Just as we were about to go back to doing our own thing we heard a loud thump behind us. When we turned around we saw Shadow sitting on top of a shelf which she just knocked a book off of to make room for herself on. We all laughed and she jumped down to greet us. After that, we all went back to doing our own thing. I went to my room to play my online games.
(Garroth's POV)
Laurance was right, I did have a little more energy today. But anyway, after the talk with Zane and Vylad, Laurance and I went downstairs and cuddled, played a board game, sat outside for a bit, and all day until he went home later that night, he made sure I ate plenty. It felt good but I hated it. I was stuck between recovery and wanting to go back to destroying myself. But I knew I couldn't. I had to keep trying.

Garroth ❤️Laurance Where stories live. Discover now