Falling Back Down

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*sorry guys it's about to get back to slightly depressing. Meep. By the way, I would like to remind you all that if anyone has anything they would like to talk about, I'm here and I will listen, I don't judge anyone and I will try my best to help. I'm only human so I may not always be able to do much but if you want to talk about anything (sexuality, bullying, self harm, eating disorders, stress, family, etc etc.) I'm here. Love you guys ❤️ also I want to do a little thank you thing for you all, I'm working on a drawing right now which will be posted eventually but I want all of you to let me know what you guys want. I could write a requested story, do a Q and A thing (all will be posted in a separate book but I would let you guys know where to find it if I did it.), write a funny quick story, whatever really. Just let me know! It's just to say thank you all for your continued love and support, it means more than you know.. 😊*
(Garroth's POV)
I woke up the next morning before Laurance. I sat and patiently waited for him to wake up. Cadenza and Hayden had already gone upstairs in the night at some point. After a short while, he twitched a couple times.
I gently shook him awake, he sat up with a jerk, breathing heavily.
"Laur? You alright?"
His breathing slowed and he calmed down.
"Oh.. Sorry. It was just a nightmare. Heh, morning."
We sat there for a minute. I thought we should probably go do at least something than just sit there. We stood up, I started walking towards the stairs.
"Come on, let's go upst-"
He grabbed my arm and stopped me.
"Hm? I-is something wrong?"
"Are you really okay?"
"You've been doing better as far as I know.. But, I can't help but worry. You know, what happened about three weeks ago... I may not have any of it going on in my life, but the eating and sleeping problems, you've been cutting back on it again. Haven't you? I don't blame you because as far as I know.. Things like that become addicting. But.. I want you to be okay.."
"Laurance.. Where did this come from?"
"Tell me the truth. Please? I know you're not very open but I want to know! Even without the physical problems, the mental stuff is just as bad to keep secret."
"Laurance, are you alright?"
"I'm worried you're hurting and nobody knows about it. And even more worried that it will lead to something.. More serious."
(Laurance's POV)
Watching from a distance, unable to move. Hearing nothing but my own speeding heartbeat, all I could see was a painfully thin, exhausted Garroth, in front of a rope tied in an unpleasant way, hanging from the ceiling. I tried moving, calling out, doing what I could, but all I could do was watch...
I remembered the nightmare from last night so well... But I was so caught up in seeing him make progress that I didn't bother thinking about the fact that he could still be struggling, that he's probably struggled everyday with letting himself actually recover, that he could fall again at any moment and stop trying, until now anyway. I had to know. He gave me the same gentle smile he always had and.. Lied. Straight to my face.. Thinking he would get away with it.
"Don't worry Laurance. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about."
I don't know what it was, but I just knew he was lying.
"Look me in the eyes.."
He looked at me. He seemed so nervous about it suddenly.
"You're not telling me the truth are you... Garroth, I care about you. But you know that already right? Please stop holding everything in. You owe yourself that much at least.."
He sighed heavily and closed his eyes for a brief moment. He opened them and his smile faded.
"It's just... Hard. You know?"
He got closer and put his face down on my shoulder and weakly hugged me. I hugged him back tightly and lightly kissed the top of his head.

Later that day he went home. We didn't talk any more about the subject, but I had him promise to talk to me from now on.

Garroth ❤️Laurance Where stories live. Discover now